React + RESS = More

React + RESS = More

RESSheet (React Evaluated StyleSheet), better known as RESS, is a tiny pre-processor that aims to be for React (Native) what LESS is to CSS. RESS uses a LESS-like styling approach to avoid repetitive style definitions. I styled the following buttons totally in RESS.

The code to accomplish this could be found in this Gist.

A bit of history

I first got hit with the idea to write a better styling solution for React while working on a new UI package for React Native. During development, one of the first issues that bothered me about the traditional StyleSheet component is its enormous lack of significant features that CSS presented. In addition, inline-styling is pretty taboo for someone who spent the last half-decade preaching against it. I get religious about this.

I started building a Bootstrap-like button component for my UI framework. I first made use of the StyleSheet component to achieve this, I ended-up using a series of if statements in order to check whether certain props existed before styling the button accordingly. Example: <Button primary>Submit</Button> should’ve rendered out a blue button, and so forth.

The <Button> component’s file size became unnecessarily large due to this inefficient method. It wasn’t long before I decided to ditched this tedious styling technique and searched for a more robust solution.

I began by testing out some packages that attempted to provide better styling in React — namely: styled-components, radium and glamorous — only to discover that most had their own share of cons. I mainly did not appreciate the performance curve and large package size that most of them entailed. And worst of all, none of them had support for React Native.

I finally came to the resolve that I should just build a simple solution that catered for my needs and that of the lot out there that share my dread. I basically wanted a solution that would make me more comfortable writing styles for both React and React Native components.

Hailing from a ‘LESS is more’ background, I decided to write a light-weight package that mimics some of my favorite CSS and LESS features — such as multi-selectors (done via props), nested-styling and the cascading styles feature. All this without compromising performance or introducing a completely foreign approach with a high-learning-curve.

This is what lead to the idea of RESS.

Under the hood

RESS outputs a style object based on two required arguments, namely: a props object and a RESSheet object. It automatically validates the existence of the props and returns the corresponding styles of the ‘selectors’ (object keys) supplied in the RESSheet object. The RESSheet object is an ordinary React StyleSheet object — the one used in StyleSheet.create({…}) — with a few extra useful features:

  • The default selector which applies to the component automatically. Examle: default: {fontSize: 16} — this would apply to the component initially regardless of its props.
  • The ability to specify multi-props as selectors — ‘h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6’: {fontWeight: ‘bold’}, this would bolden the text of a component with any of the h1 — h6 range of props.
  • Nested-styles — a component with the following RESSheet would be hidden by default, and shown when it has an active prop, this could be used in tab / accordion behaviour:

The returned object will then be placed in the style property of the component.

I’ve slated a few more great features to add to RESS for the near foreseeable future.

RESS in comparison to other solutions

In comparison to RESS, one could argue that the default StyleSheet component is pretty-much an anti-DRY (Dont Repeat Yourself) pattern in handling component styles. I’ve noticed this when I ended up with a flood of if statements on trying to style a component dynamically.

I find styled-components to be the closest to rival RESS, had it only been for its performance issues and huge file size. Not to mention, its lack in error reporting and syntax highlighting, which is due to the use of ES6 template strings. I did not bother reading its humongous script, since one could imagine the type of string parsing and interpretation that takes place under its hood — from possibly converting CSS style properties all the way to regex complexities.

In contrast, RESS uses style-objects instead of interpreted strings in order not to sacrifice React’s powerful error reporting and the syntax highlights of your favorite text editor.

Now don’t get me wrong, I think that styled-components along with the rest of the solutions I mentioned are a decent attempt add some flavor to React’s dull styling methods. All I’m saying is that they just don’t cut out to be the best way for me personally.


RESS is just an awesome little script that allows me to write better UI for my React and React Native projects at a faster pace by leveraging LESS-like patterns to encourage abstraction and less repetition.

If you find it interesting make sure to clap to this post, star this project’s repository on GitHub and give it a try by installing it via NPM:

npm install ressheet --save

To get updates on the progress of this repository along with some cool JavaScript / React related tips, follow me on twitter: @bukharim96

I’d like to hear positive responses and criticism, so feel free to do so. Enjoy ;)



Bukhari Muhammad
We’ve moved to

A caffeine reliant being that happens to be good at React & Node related stuff. Coder/writer by day, super-napper at night. JS lover; IE hater; burden reducer.