Reducing the Reducer Boilerplate With createReducer()

Bhuvan Malik
We’ve moved to
3 min readAug 14, 2017
This article is a short and simple walk-through for reducing the reducer boilerplate by using a more functional approach.

First, a quick recap of what reducers in Redux are:

Reducers are nothing but pure functions that take in the previous state and an action and return the new state.

Two things to keep in mind are that they are pure and therefore don’t mutate the state.

With that out of the way, let’s get down to business.

When we start with redux, this is how we write a reducer:

We have a search reducer which updates the state on the basis of different actions like setting the search results, updating the search string or changing state of a loader/spinner. Let’s assume it to be a slice reducer, which we can combine later using the combineReducers(reducers) function.

Now, if you’re like me, you may not fancy switch statements 😋

They come with too much boilerplate of their own. A reducer handling many action types using switch cases would be lengthy. And that wouldn’t look good now, would it?! The idea is to ditch the switch and move towards a more functional approach.

Let’s rethink this a little

What we can do is abstract all our switch case logic into “case functions” and create an object that maps action types to their corresponding case functions. We’ll call this object ‘actionHandlers’.
Below is the object:

As you can see, we now have a mapping from action types to case functions.

Case functions are like small reducer functions that take state and incoming action as arguments and return a new slice of the state tree.

Now we must create a “reducer creator” function to make use of our actionHandlers . This function will return another function which will actually be our reducer passed to combineReducers(). Behold:

As you can see, createReducer() is a closure returning another function. This returned function satisfies the form (previousState, action) => newState and is therefore going to be our actual slice reducer.

The returned reducer function can access both actionHandlers and initialState arguments of it’s enclosing function because of the closure. The initialState is used as the default argument for state . Inside the reducer function, we check if our actionHandlers has a property matching the incoming action type. If so, we execute that case function inside actionHandlers, passing in state and action. If the action type is not a property inside actionHandlers, we return the previous state.

You can find createReducer() in the official Redux docs as well.

This create reducer function can now be imported in different reducer files to create all our slice reducers!

The above function is verbose right now for explanation point of view. Let’s spice things up a bit! Below is the new and improved create reducer file. 😎

I’ve shortened everything using lambdas and Ramda library’s ‘propOr’ function. What the propOr function does is take the 2nd argument (a key) to check inside the 3rd argument (an object), and returns its value if found. Otherwise, it returns the default supplied from the 1st argument. The 1st argument, ‘identity’, is a function that just returns the parameter supplied to it.

So, a function is returned if found in actionHandlers which is executed using (state, action. In case the action is not found, propOr returns identity, which is executed with the same (state, action) arguments and returns the first argument supplied, which is state(the previous state in this case).

You can create your own ‘propOr’ and ‘identity’ functions, Ramda is just what I use.

Let me show the new search reducer file for you to get the overall picture of how we use our createReducer function with the actionHandlers.

The createReducer function is partially applied and returns our final slice reducer and is exported to a file where we use the combineReducers function.

Well, there you go, a good way for creating reducers and reducing the overall boilerplate. I hope this benefits you in some way :)

Here are some links to my previous articles:

Peace ✌️

