Everything you should know about ‘module’ & ‘require’ in Node.js

Srishti Gupta
We’ve moved to freeCodeCamp.org/news
12 min readApr 24, 2019



Node.js treats each JavaScript file as a separate module.

For instance, if you have a file containing some code and this file is named xyz.js, then this file is treated as a module in Node, and you can say that you’ve created a module named xyz.

JavaScript file in Node.js corresponding to a ‘module’

Let’s take an example to understand this better.

You have a file named circle.js which consists of the logic for calculating the area & the circumference of a circle of a given radius, as given below:


You can call circle.js file a module named circle.

You might be wondering why is there a need to have multiple modules? You could have just written all the code in a single module. Well, it is very important to write modular code. By modular, I mean to say that your code should be independent and should be loosely coupled. Imagine that there’s a large application and you have all your code written in just one place, just one file. Too messy, right?

How does the code written inside a module run?

Before executing the code written inside a module, Node takes the entire code and encloses it within a function wrapper. The syntax of this function wrapper is:

All code you write in a module resides in the function wrapper!

The function wrapper for the circle module will look like the one given below:

You can see that there is a function wrapper at the root level encompassing all the code written inside the circle module.

The entire code written inside a module is private to the module, unless explicitly stated (exported) otherwise.

This is the most significant advantage of having modules in Node.js. Even if you define a global variable in a module using var, let or const keywords, the variables are scoped locally to the module rather than being scoped globally. This happens because each module has a function wrapper of its own and the code written inside one function is local to that function and cannot be accessed outside this function.

Code written inside a module is private to it!

Imagine that there are two modules — A and B. The code written inside the module A is enclosed within the function wrapper corresponding to the module A. Similar thing happens with the code written inside the module B. Because the code pertaining to both the modules is enclosed within different functions, these functions will not be able to access the code of each other. (Remember each function in JavaScript has its own local scope?) This is the reason why module A cannot access the code written inside module B and vice-versa.

The five parameters — exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname are available inside each module in Node. Though these parameters are global to the code within a module yet they are local to the module (because of the function wrapper as explained above). These parameters provide valuable information related to a module.

Let’s revisit the circle module, which you looked at earlier. There are three constructs defined in this module — a constant variable PI, a function named calculateArea and another function named calculateCircumference. An important point to keep in mind is that all these constructs are private to the circle module by default. It means that you cannot use these constructs in any other module unless explicitly specified.

So, the question that arises now is how do you specify something in a module that can be used by some other module? This is when the module & require parameters of the function wrapper are helpful. Let’s discuss these two parameters in this article.


The module parameter (rather a keyword in a module in Node) refers to the object representing the current module. exports is a key of the module object, the corresponding value of which is an object. The default value of module.exports object is {} (empty object). You can check this by logging the value of module keyword inside any module. Let’s check what is the value of module parameter inside the circle module.


Notice that there is a console.log(module); statement at the end of the code in the file given above. When you see the output, it will log the module object, which has a key named exports and the value corresponding to this key is {} (an empty object).

Now, what does the module.exports object do? Well, it is used for defining stuff that can be exported by a module. Whatever is exported from a module can, in turn, be made available to other modules. Exporting something is quite easy. You just need to add it to the module.exports object. There are three ways to add something to the module.exports object to be exported. Let’s discuss these methods one by one.

Method 1:
(Defining constructs and then using multiple
module.exports statements to add properties)

In the first method, you define the constructs first and then use multiple module.exports statements where each statement is used to export something from a module. Let’s look at this method in action and see how you can export the two functions defined in the circle module.


As I told you earlier, module is an object having the key named exports and this key (module.exports), in turn, consists of another object. Now, if you notice the code given above, all you are doing is adding new properties (key-value pairs) to the module.exports object.

The first property has the key calculateArea (defined on line 19) and the value written on the right side of the assignment operator is the function defined with the name calculateArea (on line 9).

The second property (defined on line 20) has the key calculateCircumference and the value is the function defined with the name calculateCircumference (on line 16).

Thus, you have assigned two properties (key-value pairs) to the module.exports object.

Also, let’s not forget that you have used the dot notation here. You can alternatively use the bracket notation for assigning the properties to the module.exports object and add the functions — calculateArea and calculateCircumference by specifying the keys following the bracket notation. Thus, you can write the following two lines to add properties to the module.exports object using bracket notation while replacing the last two lines (using dot notation) in the code given above:

// exporting stuff by adding to module.exports object using the bracket notationmodule.exports['calculateArea'] = calculateArea;
module.exports['calculateCircumference'] = calculateCircumference;

Let’s now try to log the value of the module.exports object after adding the properties. Notice that the following statement is added at the end of the code in the file given below:

// logging the contents of module.exports object after adding properties to itconsole.log(module.exports);


Let’s check the output of this code and see if everything is working fine. To do this, save your code and run the following command in your Terminal:

node circle


calculateArea: [Function: calculateArea],
calculateCircumference: [Function: calculateCircumference]

The constructs — calculateArea and calculateCircumference, added to the module.exports, object are logged. Thus, you successfully added the two properties in the module.exports object so that the functions — calculateArea and calculateCircumference can be exported from the circle module to some other module.

In this method, you first defined all the constructs and then used multiple module.exports statements where each statement is used to add a property to the module.exports object.

Method 2:
(Defining constructs and then using a single
module.exports statement to add properties)

Another way is to define all the constructs first (as you did in the earlier method) but use a single module.exports statement to export them all. This method is similar to the syntax of object literal notation where you add all the properties to an object at once.

Here, you used the object literal notation and added both the functions — calculateArea and calculateCircumference (all at once) to the module.exports object by writing a single module.exports statement.

If you check the output of this code, you will get the same result as you got earlier when using method 1.

Method 3:
(Adding properties to the
module.exports object while defining constructs)

In this method, you can add the constructs to the module.exports object while defining them. Let’s see how this method can be adopted in our circle module.

In the code given above, you can see that the functions in the module are added to the module.exports object when they are being defined. Let’s look at how this is working. You are adding a key calculateArea to the module.exports object and the value corresponding to this key is the function definition.

Note that the function no longer has any name and is an anonymous function which is just treated as a value to a key of an object. Thus, this function cannot be referenced to in the circle module and you cannot invoke this function inside this module by writing the following statement:


If you try to execute the above statement, you will get a ReferenceError stating calculateArea is not defined.

Now that you have learned how you can specify what needs to be exported from a module, how do you think the other module will be able to use the exported stuff? You need to import the module to some other module so as to be able to use the exported stuff from the former in the latter. This is when we need to discuss another parameter named require.


require keyword refers to a function which is used to import all the constructs exported using the module.exports object from another module. If you have a module x in which you are exporting some constructs using the module.exports object and you want to import these exported constructs in module y, you then need to require the module x in the module y using the require function. The value returned by the require function in module y is equal to the module.exports object in the module x.

require function returns module.exports object

Let’s understand this using the example which we discussed earlier. You already have the circle module from which you are exporting the functions calculateArea and calculateCircumference. Now, let’s see how you can use the require function to import the exported stuff in another module.

Let’s first create a new file wherein you will be using the exported code from the circle module. Let’s name this file app.js and you can call it the app module.

The objective is to import into the app module all the code exported from the circle module. So, how can you include your code written in one module inside another module?

Consider the syntax of the require function given below:

const variableToHoldExportedStuff = require('idOrPathOfModule');

The require function takes in an argument which can be an ID or a path. The ID refers to the id (or name) of the module needed. You should provide ID as an argument when you are using the third-party modules or core modules provided by the Node Package Manager. On the other hand, when you have custom modules defined by you, you should provide the path of the module as the argument. You can read more about the require function from this link.

Because you’ve already defined a custom module named circle, you’ll provide the path as an argument to the require function.


If you notice clearly, the dot at the start of the path means that it is a relative path and that the modules app and circle are stored at the same path.

Let’s log on to the console the circle variable, which contains the result returned by the require function. Let’s see what is contained inside this variable.


Check the output by saving all your code and running the following command in your Terminal (latter isn’t required if you have nodemon package installed):

node app


{ calculateArea: [Function: calculateArea],
calculateCircumference: [Function: calculateCircumference] }

As you can see, the require function returns an object, the keys of which are the names of the variables/functions that have been exported from the required module (circle). In short, the require function returns the module.exports object.

Let’s now access the functions imported from the circle module.



Area = 200.96, Circumference = 50.24

What do you think will happen if I try to access the variable named PI defined in the circle module inside the app module?



Area = 200.96, Circumference = 50.24
pi = undefined

Can you figure out why pi is undefined? Well, this is because the variable PI is not exported from the circle module. Remember the point where I told you that you cannot access the code written inside a module in another module for all the code written inside a module is private to it unless exported? Here, you are trying to access something which has not been exported from the circle module and is private to it.

So, you may be wondering why you didn’t get a ReferenceError. This is because you are trying to access a key named PI inside the module.exports object returned by the require function. You also know that the key named PI does not exist in the module.exports object.

Note that when you try to access a non-existent key in an object, you get the result as undefined. This is the reason why you get PI as undefined instead of getting a ReferenceError.

Now, let’s export the variable PI from the circle module and see if the answer changes.


Notice that here, you are not using the name of the variable PI as the key of the property added to the module.exports object. You are, instead, using another name, which is lifeOfPi.

This is an interesting thing to note. When you are exporting some coding construct, you can give any name to the key when adding a property added to the module.exports object. It is not mandatory to use the same name as the name you used while defining the construct. This is because you can use any valid identifier as the key in a JavaScript object. Thus, on the left side of the assignment operator, you can use any valid identifier, but on the right side of the assignment operator, you need to provide a value which is defined as a construct in the scope of the current module (as you’ve defined the variables and functions in the ‘circle’ module).

An important point to be noted is that while importing something from another module in the current module, you need to use the same key which you used while exporting it.


Because you used the key lifeOfPi, you need to use the same key to access the variable PI defined in the circle module, as is done in the code given above.


Area = 200.96, Circumference = 50.24
pi = 3.14

What do you think will happen if you use the name of the variable instead of using the key which was used while exporting? In short, let’s try to access PI (name of the variable) instead of lifeOfPi (key used while exporting PI).



Area = 200.96, Circumference = 50.24
pi = undefined

This happens because the module.exports object does not know the variable PI anymore. It just knows about the keys added to it. Because the key used for exporting the variable PI is lifeOfPi, the latter can only be used to access the former.


  • Each file in Node.js is referred to as a module.
  • Before executing the code written in a module, Node.js takes the entire code written inside the module and converts it into a function wrapper, which has the following syntax:
(function(exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) {
// entire module code lives in here
  • The function wrapper ensures that all the code written inside a module is private to it unless explicitly stated otherwise (exported). The parameters exports, require, module, __filename, and __dirname act as the variables global to the entire code in a module. Since each module has a function wrapper of its own, the code written inside one function wrapper becomes local to that function wrapper (read module) and is not accessible inside another function wrapper (read module).
  • module keyword refers to the object representing the current module. The module object has a key named exports. module.exports is another object which is used for defining what can be exported by a module and can be made available to other modules. In short, if a module wants to export something, it should be added to the module.exports object.
  • The default value of module.exports object is {}.
  • There are three methods in which you can export something from a module, or add something to the module.exports object:
    1. Define all the constructs first and then use multiple module.exports statements where each statement is used to export a construct.
    2. Define all the constructs first and then use a single module.exports statement to exports all constructs at once following object literal notation.
    3. Add constructs to the module.exports object while defining them.
  • require keyword refers to a function which is used to import all the variables and functions exported using the module.exports object from another module. In short, if a file wants to import something it has to declare it using the following syntax:
  • While exporting something from a module, you can use any valid identifier. It is not mandatory that you need to give the exact name of the variable/function as the key of the property added to module.exports object. Just make sure that you use the same key for accessing something which you used while exporting it.



Srishti Gupta
We’ve moved to freeCodeCamp.org/news

Software Developer | Pedant | Preceptor | Senior Course Developer (Full-Stack Web Development) @ upGrad | https://www.linkedin.com/in/srishti--gupta