Seeking a volunteer editor to help lead Medium’s largest technology publication

Quincy Larson
We’ve moved to
2 min readJul 4, 2017

freeCodeCamp is now the largest technology publication on Medium. And as its sole editor, I get way more high-quality story submissions than I have time to edit and publish.

This means that I’m the biggest bottleneck — between all the developers, designers, and data scientists writing these amazing stories — and a growing audience that’s eager to read them.

Even though reaches millions of people each month through Medium, YouTube, and our coding platform, we’re a small donor-supported nonprofit. We lack the resources to hire professional editors.

This said, a lack of resources hasn’t stopped us in other areas. We have thousands of volunteers running local study groups, contributing to open source projects, and moderating forums and chatrooms.

If you have experience editing a newspaper, academic journal, magazine, or blog, and are able to contribute a few hours of your time each week to this publication, we should talk. 😊 Read our publication guide, then reach out to me.

You’ll learn a ton about technology in the process, and help a community that has published 1,000+ free (and ad-free) articles. And together, we’ll be able to maintain our current high standards while publishing a lot more stories for everyone to read.

