Some awesome modern C++ features that every developer should know

…don’t miss out!


A guy contemplating about C++ 🤔 (Photo by Igor Miske on Unsplash)

As a language, C++ has evolved a lot.

Of course this did not happen overnight. There was a time when C++ lacked dynamism. It was difficult to be fond of the language.

But things changed when the C++ standard committee decided to spin up the wheel.

Since 2011, C++ has emerged as a dynamic and ever-evolving language that a lot of people have been hoping for.

Don’t get the wrong idea that the language has become easier. It still is one of the hardest programming languages, if not the hardest one, that are used widely. But C++ has also become much more user friendly than its previous versions.

In my last post, I talked about the C++ algorithm library that has been enriched over the last couple of years.

Today, we shall look into some new features (starting from C++11, which is already 8 years old by the way) that every developer would like to know.

Also note that I have skipped some advanced features in this article, but I’m willing to write about them in future. 🤞️


The auto keyword

