How to test a app using Jest and the react-testing-library

Justice Mba
We’ve moved to
11 min readJun 13, 2018
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Testing the quality of real-time integration seems to have sunk into oblivion, maybe because the UIs had a long history of testability issues. Let’s fix this!

Quickly google “testing app”.

The first two result pages (just don’t bother opening the rest of the pages) are all examples and tutorials focusing on testing the server-side integration. No one is talking about the quality of integration on the front-end, how the User Interface will look when it receives certain events, and if the front-end code is actually emitting the right events.

But why? Does this just mean that people don’t really care about the quality of their real-time apps on the front-end — the meat of the software? I don’t think so. My guess is: Testing UIs was just too hard!

User Interfaces have had a long history of testability issues. UIs are never stable. The testing tools we have had available to us easily lead to writing very brittle UI tests. Thus, people tend to focus their time and energy on testing their apps only on the server-side.

But that doesn’t feel right. It is only the UI that makes our user confident that they’re actually accomplishing the purpose of using our app. But then, unto us a UI testing tool has been born!


It was a few months ago that my friend and mentor Kent C. Dodds released this beautiful tool for testing react apps. Ever since then, I no longer just love the idea of testing UIs, but actually love testing them. I have literally dug out and tested all the UI code I gave up on testing because of its complexity :).

In my experience-based opinion, the react-testing-library is the panacea for all UI test issues. It is not just a testing tool, it is a testing approach.

Note: If your’re not a React person, there is vue-testing-library, ng-testing-library and others, all built on top of the dom-testing-library.

The best feature of the react-testing-library is probably its support of UI TDD. According to the docs, it’s primary guiding principle is:

The more your tests resemble the way your software is used, the more confidence they can give you.

This is the “approach” I’m talking about. Test your UIs just as your non-techie friend would. Your user probably neither knows nor cares what your code looks like. And nor should your test. That gives us the power to use TDD on our UIs.

This is how we’re going to write our test — test everything without thinking about the code. Now let’s do it!

Testing out the Telegram app

From our very talented Telegram UI designer, bellow are the designs of the Telegram app we’ll be testing.

telegram chat screenshots

Looking at the design, I see a couple of real-time features our user would want to make sure the app performs, otherwise they’ll close the tab. Here are some of them:

  • App should get messages
  • App should tell when/if a message is sent or not
  • App should tell when/if a message is delivered or not
  • App should tell when a friend comes online/goes offline
  • App should tell when a friend is typing

Okay, the list goes on…but let’s work on these first.

Receiving messages

Let’s look at how a user would know if they received a message as an example. First, create a test file, then import the chat.js file and its mocked dependencies. If you’re new to mocking or stuff like that, then Kent C. Dodds should really be your friend. He’s got everything covered on JavaScript testing, so just follow him on here, Twitter, and everywhere else.

Now as I was writing this line, I was thinking he should just write a book on JS testing so I tweeted:

And hopefully, he will eventually :)

Back to our test file:

// chat.test.js
import React from 'react';
import io from '';
import Chat from './chat';

Because, we’re only doing integration testing here, we don’t really want to emit events to the server. So we need to mock out For more information on mocking, see Kent’s article “But really, what is a JavaScript mock?” as well as this section from the Jest docs on Jest’s Mock Functions.

Once you understand how to mock, the next thing is understanding what your module is doing, and then fake the implementation.

// EVENTS = {};function emit(event, ...args) {
EVENTS[event].forEach(func => func(...args));
const socket = {
on(event, func) {
if (EVENTS[event]) {
return EVENTS[event].push(func);
EVENTS[event] = [func];
export const io = {
connect() {
return socket;
// Additional helpers, not included in the real,just for out test.// to emulate server emit.
export const serverSocket = { emit };

// cleanup helper
export function cleanup() {
export default io;

With that, we have a good-enough mock for our test. Let’s use it.

// chat.test.js
import React from 'react';
import mockio, {serverSocket, cleanUp } from '';
import Chat from './chat';

Now let’s write our first test. The traditional TDD approach says we’ll write a test for a feature, see it fail, then go implement the feature to satisfy our test. For brevity, we’re not going to do exactly that, as this article focuses on testing.

Following the react-testing-library approach, the first thing you do before you write any test is to ask yourself: “How will a user test this feature?” For the first test in our list above, you ask yourself, “how will a user know that they’re getting the messages their friend is sending?”. To test it, they’ll probably tell the person next to them to send them a message.

Usually, how that will work is that the user’s friend sends a message to the server, with the user’s address, then the server emits the message to the user. Now, since we’re not testing if the user can send a message at this time, but whether the user can receive a message, let’s server directly send the user a message.

// chat.test.js
import React from 'react';
import mock-io, {serverSocket, cleanUp } from '';
import {render} from 'react-testing-library';
import Chat from './chat';test('App should get messages', () => {
// first render the app
const utils = render(<Chat />)

// then send a message
serverSocket.emit('message', 'Hey Wizy!');

Above we imported the render method from the react-testing-library, which is just a wrapper around ReactDom.render. In our text, we use it to render our Chat app. The render method returns a test utility object that contains query methods we can use to query the container of our app — the DOM node render rendered our app into — for DOM nodes our test is interested in. Next in the text, use our mock server to send a message to the user.

Now that we’ve sent a message to the user, think again: how will the user know they’ve gotten the message? From the design above, they’ll definitely have to look at the screen to see the message appear. So to test that, we have to query the container of our app to see if it has any node that contains the message we sent, ‘Hey Wizy!’ To do that, the utility object returned from render has a query method called getByText, so we could simply do:

expect(utils.getByText('Hey Wizy!')).toBeTruthy();

While that might work, unfortunately, we can’t do that. Here’s why: All query methods returned from render will search the entire container for the specified query. That means that getByText, as used above, will search the entire container for the text ‘Hey Wizy!’, then returns the first node that has that text.

But that’s not how our user will look for the text. Instead, our user will only look within the ‘messages-section’, the section that contains all the messages. Only if messages appear in that section will they know they’ve got a message. So to make sure our test resembles how the user is using our app, we’ll need to search for the text ‘Hey Wizy!’ only within the messages-section, just as the user would do.

For that, the react-testing-library provides us with a unique query method call, within, which helps us focus our query within a particular section of the rendered document. Let’s use it!

Note: within is a new API that was inspired by this article, so make sure you have the very latest version of the react-testing-library.

// chat.test.js
import React from 'react';
import mock-io, {serverSocket, cleanUp } from '';
import {render, within} from 'react-testing-library';
import Chat from './chat';test('App should get messages', () => {
// first render the app
const utils = render(<Chat />)

// then send a message
serverSocket.emit('message', 'Hey Wizy!');

// the message must appear in the message-section
const messageSection = utils.getByTestId('message-section');
// check withing messageSection to find the received message
const message = within(messageSection).getByText('Hey Wizy!');

First, we grabbed the message section with a query method getByTestId. To use getByTestId in your test, you have to hard-code it in the DOM. Like so:

<div data-testid=”message-section” />

Because getByTestId does not closely resemble how users locate sections of your app, you should use it only on spacial cases and only when you’re certain there is no better alternative.

Still, our test is not relying on the DOM structure. Even if someone changes the div to a section tag or wraps it 10 levels deep in the DOM, our test doesn’t just care about the code — it just cares about the test-id.

Lastly, we use the within method as described earlier to get the received message. If the text is not found, getByText will throw and fail our test.

And that’s how we assert that the App can get messages.

Writing more tests

Let’s see some more query methods that the react-test-library gives us. We’ll see how we can further combine the APIs we’ve already learned to perform more complex queries without relying on the UI code.

So now, let’s write the second test: the App should tell the user when/if a message has been sent or not. Also, I think this test is basically doing the same thing as the next one in the list, so let’s merge both into one example.

Again, the first question we ask is…? I know you got it: “how will our user test this feature?” Okay, how you phrase your question might be different, but you get the idea :). So to test the sending message feature, the steps will look like this:

  • The user locates the input to enter their message. Then they enter their message. Finally, they click the send button.
  • The message should appear on the message-section
  • The server will tell if the message got to the server, which means sent
  • The UI should mark the message as sent
  • The server then tells when the message is delivered
  • The UI should, in turn, update the message as delivered

How does the user locate the input to enter their message? From the UI design we’re working with, they’ve gotta look and find the input with the placeholder ‘message’. (Well, that’s actually the only input on the screen, but even if there are more, the user will identify the input to enter their message by the placeholder or label.)

The react-testing-library has us covered again with a query method called getByPlaceholderText

// chat.test.js
import React from 'react';
import mock-io, {serverSocket, cleanUp } from '';
import {render, renderIntoDocument, within, cleanup} from 'react-testing-library';
import Chat from './chat';afterEach(cleanup);test('App should get messages', () => {
// ...
test('App should tell when message is sent and delivered', () => {
// first render the app
const utils= renderIntoDocument(<Chat />)

// enter and send a message
utils.getByPlaceholderText('message').value = 'Hello';

So we introduced a couple of new APIs here. The first one is the renderIntoDocument method. We should fire real DOM events, not simulate them, in our test, as that more closely resembles how users use our app.

The drawback is that the render method creates and renders our app to an arbitrary DOM node, called container, on the fly. But React handles events via event delegation — attaching a single event for all event types on the document, and then delegating the event to the appropriate DOM node that triggered the event.

So, to fire real DOM events, we need to actually render our app into document.body. That’s what renderIntoDocument does for us.

Because we render into the document, we want to always make sure that the document is cleaned up after each test. You guessed right, the cleanup helper function does that for us.

In the test, after we enter the value, we click the send button to send our message. If you noticed, looking at the design, there is no send button. But if you pull out your Telegram or WhatsApp right now, you’ll notice that the send button only appears when you’ve actually entered some text in the message input. Our test has just accidentally covered that feature. :)

Now that we’ve clicked the send button, let’s make some assertions.

// chat.test.js
import React from 'react';
import mock-io, {serverSocket, cleanUp } from '';
import {render, renderIntoDocument, within, cleanup} from 'react-testing-library';
import Chat from './chat';afterEach(cleanup);test('App should get messages', () => {
// ...
test('App should tell when message is sent/delivered', () => {
// first render the app
const utils = renderIntoDocument(<Chat />)

// enter and send a message
utils.getByPlaceholderText('message').value = 'Hello';

// the message should appear on the message section
const messageSection = uitils.getByTestId('message-section');

// server tells us message is sent
// Now the UI should mark the message as sent
const message = within(messageSection).getByText('Hello');
// server tells us it's delivered
// UI should mark the message as delivered

And that’s it. Just exactly as the user would expect, our test expects to see the sent/delivered icon appear next to the message when it’s sent/delivered.

So far, we’ve seen how easy testing a real-time app can be with the react-testing-library. No matter what you are testing, when you follow this approach, you gain more confidence that your app is working as it should. And what is more, we still have zero idea what the implementation of the app will look like. Just as the user, our test just doesn’t care about the implementation!

Finishing up

Lastly, I’ll leave it to you to think about how to write the last two remaining tests on our list:

  • App should tell when a friend comes online/goes offline
  • App should tell when a friend is typing

Tip: You should have the server emit the event, then you assert what the UI will look like. Think about how exactly the user will know when a friend is typing, online, offline.

If you feel like I’ve done a nice job, and that others deserve a chance to see this, kindly applaud this article to help spread a better approach of testing real-time apps.

If you have a question that hasn’t been answered or feel differently about some of the points here, feel free to drop in some comments here or via Twitter.

You might also want to follow me here and/or on Twitter for more awesome articles coming up. And you might like to check out my previous articles:



Justice Mba
We’ve moved to

Ambitious JavaScript learner, teacher, speaker, writer, developer. ❤️@reactjs @nodejs & friends. Open to new opportunities.