Redux Store the brain of your application

The best way to architect your Redux app

Lusan Das
We’ve moved to
6 min readJul 18, 2018


This article is about how to think in Redux. We’ll try to understand how we can utilise this wonderful library to make our application more stable, robust, and maintainable. It is language agnostic, however we will keep our scope to Redux with React.

For those who haven’t used Redux before, I will quote from the docs:

Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps.

It is only a 2kb library that solves one of the biggest problems in maintaining large JavaScript apps: state management.

This article is not about Redux, as there are plenty of articles about it already. Rather, it is about how we should visualise a Redux app and use it effectively.

Let’s say we are building an e-commerce application where it has some basic pages like catalog, product details, and payment success.

Below are the wireframes of how the app would look:

Catalog Page
Product Page
Payment Success

So architecting in Redux means that we have to visualise the application as one entity, and each page is a sub-entity.

There are four stages to building a Redux app:

  1. Visualise the state tree
  2. Design your reducers
  3. Implement Actions
  4. Implement Presentation

Step 1: Visualise state tree

From the wireframes above, let’s design our state tree.

Application state tree

This is the most important step. After we are done visualising our state tree, implementing Redux techniques becomes really easy! Dotted circles are states that will be shared by the application, solid circles are page-specific states.

Step 2: Design your reducers

In case you are wondering what exactly a reducer is, I will quote directly from the docs:

Reducers specify how the application’s state changes in response to actions sent to the store. Remember that actions only describe what happened, but don’t describe how the application’s state changes.

Each of the states that are important can have their own reducers. Later, we can combine them in one root reducer which will eventually define the store (the single source of truth of the application). This is where the real power comes in: you have total control over your states and their behaviour. Nothing goes unwatched by the store. The silent observer keeps watch.

The store keeping watch

Let’s check out an example of how to design a reducer with the help of the application state tree that we designed above.

// Root Reducer
const rootReducer = combineReducer({
header: headerReducer,
login: loginReducer,
footer: footerReducer,
common: commonReducer,
product: productReducer,
catalog: catalogReducer,
payment: paymentReducer

The root reducer says it all. It contains everything the store needs to know about the application.

Now let’s look at how a sub entity headerReducer looks.

Remember how we designed our header state?

Header state tree
// Header Reducerconst headerReducer = combineReducer({
menu: menuReducer,
search: searchReducer,
location: locationReducer

Our reducer is a replica of what we designed earlier in our state tree. This is the power of visualisation.

Notice how a reducer contains more reducers. We don’t need to create one huge reducer. It can be easily broken into smaller reducers, as each holds its individual identities and has its own specific operations. This helps us create separation of logic, which is very important for maintaining large apps.

Now let’s understand how a typical reducer file should be set up, for example searchReducer.

// Search Reducerconst initialState = {
payload: [],
isLoading: false,
error: {}
export function searchReducer(state=initialState, action) {
switch(action.type) {
return {
isLoading: true

return {
payload: action.payload,
isLoading: false

return {
error: action.error,
isLoading: false
return { ...state, ...initialState }
return state;

This reducer pattern defines the changes possible in its search state when the search API is called.


All the above are possible constants that define what possible actions can be performed.

Note: It is important to maintain a RESET_SEARCH_DATA action, in case we need to reset data during the unmounting of a component.

Step 3: Implement Actions

Every action that has API calls usually goes through three stages in an app.

  1. Loading state -> FETCH_SEARCH_DATA

Maintaining these action types helps us check the data flow when an API is called in our app.

Let’s dive into the code to understand what a typical action will look like.

export function fetchSearchData(args) {
return async (dispatch) => {
// Initiate loading state
try {
// Call the API
const result = await fetchSearchData(args.pageCount, args.itemsPerPage);

// Update payload in reducer on success
payload: result,
currentPage: args.pageCount
} catch (err) {
// Update error in reducer on failure
error: err

Notice how the data flow is tracked by the store through actions. This holds each and every change in the app accountable.

Thus similar actions are written for each change in reducers of various states.

One of the biggest benefits of Redux is the abstraction of each and every action.

Data Flow in a Redux App

Step 4: Implement Presentation

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import fetchSearchData from './action/fetchSearchData';import SearchData from './SearchData';const Search = (props) => (
);const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({
const mapDispatchToProps = {
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(Search)

As you can see, the presentation component is very simple and easy to understand.


I would like to mention some of the biggest benefits that I found using Redux:

  1. It certainly reduces code smell.
  2. Abstraction of code is easier to achieve.
  3. Redux also introduces us to other principles like immutability, functional programming, and many others.
  4. It allows you to visualise each and every action and track them with “time traveling.”

I hope this article helps you get a clearer picture of why Redux is truly awesome, and how we can utilise the power of visualisation to make maintainable applications.

