Top Web Development trends to look out for in 2019

Mrudul Shah
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8 min readApr 2, 2019
Web Development Trends

Do you know that nearly 200 websites are pushed out every minute? Sounds astonishing right? But it is a fact and that’s why it is important that every entrepreneur and developer know about the current web development trends.

There are a total of 200 million active websites present out there, while the combined count of total inactive and active sites will be ten times more than this number. The websites have been making a high impact on the market and businesses are using these websites to establish a strong online presence.

These statistics not only represent the pool of resources, but it also the intense competition present between websites. One of the best ways to stay ahead of this competition is by staying up-to-date with the latest trends. It is important to know what will be trending in the future and implement those trends into web development.

Technology is changing rapidly, and you will find advancements daily. These updates create a more significant impact on the way websites are developed. Developers should always look out for the recent trends and update themselves with the knowledge.

Here are some of the top website development trends.

1. Progressive Web Apps

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A recent study that was conducted has shown that people spend 85% of their time on mobile apps. Progressive web apps are web pages that appear like mobile applications for users. If they are preloaded on the device then the user can access them even without an internet connection. The users will get the feel of using an application rather than the website. The aim of these Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) is to provide a native-like experience for the users on all platforms.

A Google report has stated that 53% of mobile site visits are abandoned if the web page takes more than three seconds to load. Progressive web apps solve this problem perfectly. It combines the best of the web and native applications providing a good feel to the users. The users will get the feel of using an app without even installing it.

The PWA gives a full-screen appearance to users and the URL of the site will not be visible. The brand identity will be visible in a stronger way. In order to mimic native apps, PWAs also provide push notifications to users. The publisher will have the full rights of these push notifications, and they can send them when necessary directly to the user’s mobile.

This way users will also be able to connect to your website whenever they need, allowing them to re-engage with your site. This is usually not possible with normal websites. Users will be able to share this web content for any apps that are present on their mobiles. The sharing isn’t only confined to apps like Twitter or Facebook.

Users will be able to do all these things without any data connection via PWAs. This is one of the best reasons to rely on PWAs. All the content that you post on your PWA will be available for the users even when the internet connection is poor.

2. Chatbots

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The popularity of chatbots has increased a lot these days. These programs are made to interact with people. Some chatbots are crafted to reply to basic questions while others are capable of answering tough questions with ease.

Chatbots are one of the most popular web development trends. Integrating them with your websites will help in generating more traffic and making the site even more appealing. Chatbots are creating a larger impact than one might expect. Users these days want quick solutions and aren’t interested to waste their time with loading or any other such issues. A small delay in answering a question may lead to the abandonment of your site.

The best thing that you can do in this situation is integrating your website with a chatbot. These chatbots will answer questions that customers have. This way you won’t be testing their patience.

The pressure on a web developer when it comes to user experience is high. They always concentrate on providing better engagement of users on the site and providing them with a positive experience.

Chatbots will help developers a lot in this way. Customer’s expectations are high and although you cannot provide them with everything they expect, these chatbots are something on which you can rely. They entertain the visitor and at the same time answer their questions too. Chatbots are a blessing in disguise for web developers.

This is a trend which became popular back in 2016 and is successfully still running. It will continue to develop because chatbots are making a huge difference in web development. The latest AI and machine learning will also make a huge difference in these interaction. The future of chatbots and AI is great in terms of business.

3. JS Frameworks

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Frameworks are something that has caught the attention of so many developers around the world. So, what is this framework? It is nothing but a reusable design platform which helps in providing support for the best programming languages.

Web developers usually write so many lines of code, but with these frameworks, you don’t need to write redundant and unnecessary code. The best thing about JavaScript frameworks, for example, is their reusability. Developers are able to write a function once and reuse it as many times as required. This saves a lot of time and effort.

There are various types of frameworks available in the market, and choosing the best one is completely dependent on the developer’s needs.

Some popular JavaScript frameworks are:

  • React.js
  • Angular.js
  • Vue.js
  • Ember.js
  • Backbone.js

Regarding popularity, React vs Angular is the most debated topic for developers, but you can choose the framework that suits your requirements.

Using these frameworks will save you time, effort, and will help you create beautiful websites without putting in extra time.

4. Acceleration in Page Load Speeds

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The number of people who use a smartphone has increased a lot these days. Considering mobile phone users, Google has started accelerated mobile pages that are capable of loading instantly.

These pages are designed in order to work smoothly on mobile devices. Google has always stated that they need web pages that are filled with rich content such as videos, animation, and graphics that will work alongside smart ads. This content should be loaded as quickly as possible.

People do not have much of a time to wait for a page to load. They just ditch the page that isn’t loading and open another website. In order to prevent such situations, it is important for developers to get a hold on accelerated mobile pages.

This is an excellent opportunity for web developers to improve mobile page speeds and get more traffic too.

5. Single Page Applications

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This is a fast-paced world, and no one really has enough time to go through different pages of a website. Single page applications are nothing but a single page website where everything is provided on one page only.

If you are designing a website without a blog, then this single page will surely attract the users. It is simple and there is no need to navigate to other pages. Everything will be present on one page only. The long web page will contain all the required details and there is no need for you to worry about anything specific.

6. Low Code Development

Low code development provides an easier and faster way to develop and deploy a particular website. It facilitates the rapid development of excellent websites without any need for proficient coding expertise.

If you are just starting out a website, then this is the best way to make your move. You can start with low code development and then gain expertise.

7. Cyber Security

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Data breaches have become one of the biggest hurdles any company faces. “Our website got hacked” is something that people hear all the time. It is important to protect your site from any kind of attack, and this is the reason why cybersecurity has become one of the most popular topics these days.

Developers are trying to make their website invulnerable to cyber attacks. They are implementing various techniques to keep web development safe from any kind of threats.

You need to focus on this topic if you are planning to develop a web application for your business.

8. Voice Search Optimization

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From 2008 to now, voice search queries have increased by 35 times. As per a Hubspot survey, 19% of people use Siri at least once a day and the number of teens using voice search is much higher. Your website should be drafted in a way that is optimized for voice search.

Voice search is also breaking into search engines. Siri, Cortana, Google Assistant, Echo, and Alexa are increasing these voice searches. More and more people will likely start using voice searches and websites that are voice optimized are displayed when a person searches with their voice.

If you really want your website to stand out, then it is important for you to optimize it for voice search requirements.

Key Takeaways

It doesn’t take much time to develop a website, but if you want a great website then you have to spend a good amount of time and efforts optimizing it. Spend some extra time to understand the latest trends and learn how to implement them.

You can hire a software development company and discuss your requirements with them to upgrade your web application as per these criteria.

These future web development trends will help your website to stand out from your competitors. You will be able to satisfy the expectations of users by implementing these latest web development trends into your web application.



Mrudul Shah
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I’m CSO at Technostacks Infotech, helping the team to adopt new technologies, interests in learning and sharing IT technology strategies with news trends.