Where to Hold React Component Data: state, store, static, and this

Sam Corcos
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6 min readAug 13, 2016


With the advent of React and Redux, a common question has emerged:

What should I hold in the Redux store, and what should I save in local state?

But this question is actually too simplistic, because there are also two other ways you can store data for use in a component: static and this.

Let’s go over what each of these, and when you should use them.

Local state

When React was first introduced, we were presented with local state. The important thing to know about local state is that when a state value changes, it triggers a re-render.

This state can be passed down to children as props, which allows you to separate your components between smart data-components and dumb presentational-components if you chose.

Here’s a basic counter app using local state:

Your data (the value of the counter) is stored within the App component, and can be passed down its children.

Use cases

Assuming your counter is important to your app, and is storing data that would be useful to other components, you would not want to use local state to keep this value.

The current best practice is to use local state to handle the state of your user interface (UI) state rather than data. For example, using a controlled component to fill out a form is a perfectly valid use of local state.

Another example of UI data that you could store in local state would be the currently selected tab from a list of options.

A good way to think about when to use local state is to consider whether the value you’re storing will be used by another component. If a value is specific to only a single component (or perhaps a single child of that component), then it’s safe to keep that value in local state.

Takeaway: keep UI state and transitory data (such as form inputs) in local state.

Redux store

Then after some time had elapsed and everyone started getting comfortable with the idea of unidirectional data flow, we got Redux.

With Redux, we get a global store. This store lives at the highest level of your app and passes data down to all children. You connect to the global store with the connect wrapper and a mapStateToProps function.

At first, people put everything in the Redux store. Users, modals, forms, sockets… you name it.

Below is the same counter app, but using Redux. The important thing to note is that counter now comes from this.props.counter after being mapped from mapStateToProps in the connect function, which takes the counter value from the global store and maps it to the current component’s props.

Now when you click on the button, an action is dispatched and the global store is updated. The data is handled outside of our local component and is passed down.

It’s worth noting that when props are updated, it also triggers a re-render—just like when you update state.

Use cases

The Redux store is great for keeping application state rather than UI state. A perfect example is a user’s login status. Many of your components will need access to this information, and as soon as the login status changes, all of those components (the ones that are rendered, at least) will need to be re-rendered with the updated information.

Redux is also useful for triggering events for which you need access on multiple components or across multiple routes. An example of this would be a login modal, which can be triggered by a multitude of buttons all across your app. Rather than conditionally rendering a modal in a dozen places, you can conditionally render it at the top-level of your app and use a Redux action to trigger it by changing a value in the store.

Takeaway: keep data that you intend to share across components in store.


One of the least utilized features when working with React is this. People often forget that React is just JavaScript with ES2015 syntax. Anything you can do in JavaScript, you can also do in React.

The example below is a functional counter app, similar to the two examples above.

We’re storing the counter value in the component and using forceUpdate() to re-render when the value changes. This is because changes to anything other than state and props does not trigger a re-render.

This is actually an example of how you should not use this. If you find yourself using forceUpdate(), you’re probably doing something wrong. For values for which a change should trigger a re-render, you should use local state or props/Redux store.

Use cases

The use case for this is to store values for which a change should not trigger a re-render. For example, sockets are a perfect thing to store on this.

Also, many people don’t realize they’re already using this all the time in their function definitions. When you define render(), you’re really defining this.prototype.render = function(), but it’s hidden behind ES2015 class syntax.

Takeaway: use this to store things that shouldn’t trigger a re-render.


Static methods and properties are perhaps the least known aspect of ES2015 classes (calm down, yes, I know they aren’t really classes under the hood), mostly because they aren’t used all that frequently. But they actually aren’t especially complicated. If you’ve used PropTypes, you’ve already defined a static property.

The following two code blocks are identical. The first is how most people define PropTypes. The second is how you can define them with static.

As you can see, static is not all that complicated. It’s just another way to assign a value to a class. The main difference between static and this is that you do not need to instantiate the class to access the value.

In the example above, you can see that to get the staticProperty value, we could just call it straight from the class without instantiating it, but to get prototypeProperty, we had to instantiate it with new App().

Use cases

Static methods and properties are rarely used, and should be used for utility functions that all components of a particular type would need.

PropTypes are an example of a utility function where you would attach to something like a Button component, since every button you render will need those same values.

Another use case is if you’re concerned about over-fetching data. If you’re using GraphQL or Falcor, you can specify which data you want back from your server. This way you don’t end up receiving a lot more data than you actually need for your component.

So in the example component above, before requesting the data for a particular component, you could quickly get an array of required values for your query with App.requiredData. This allows you to make a request without over-fetching.

Takeaway: you’re probably never going to use static.

That other option…

There is actually another option, which I intentionally left out of the title because you should use it sparingly: you can store things in a module-scoped variable.

There are specific situations in which it makes sense, but for the most part you just shouldn’t do it.

You can see this is almost the same as using this, except that we’re storing the value outside of our component, which could cause problems if you have more than one component per file. You might want to use this for setting default values if the values are not tied to your store, otherwise using a static for default props would be better.

If you need to share data across components and want to keep data available to everything the module, it’s almost always better to use your Redux store.

Takeaway: don’t use module-scoped variables unless you know what you’re doing.

