Why you should ditch Email, and the way we should communicate at work

Simon Späti
We’ve moved to freeCodeCamp.org/news
11 min readApr 25, 2019


The first example of email can be found on computers at MIT in a program called MAILBOX, all the way back in 1965. Besides its advantages of sharing fast and in a direct way, there are several studies stating that average office workers receive 110 messages a day. Given the fact that every interruption takes 20 minutes to get back, this is a major distraction and also adds to the overall stress.

I asked myself isn’t there a smarter way to communicate (discuss, argue, debate) at work? This is what I’m going through in this article.

Why email is so popular

Let’s start with why email is so popular and still used as the number one communication in the vast majority of companies.

Some strengths and big advantages email has for sure is sharing fast and in a direct way to a number of people. It is location independent. A very handy feature, it keeps a record of all the communication and you can always go back to it.

The costs are obviously very low. And one big benefit it’s still the best way to market your target users to make an actual sale.

The bad things about email

Although one might argue email is efficient and productive communication, I’d…



Simon Späti
We’ve moved to freeCodeCamp.org/news

Data Engineer & Technical Author with 15+ years of experience. I enjoy maintaining awareness of new innovative and emerging open-source technologies.