Why you should write merge requests like you’re posting to Instagram

Colby Fayock
We’ve moved to freeCodeCamp.org/news
5 min readMay 2, 2019


Merge requests (or pull requests) are a huge part of a team’s development process. It’s the main gatekeeper preventing developers from throwing whatever they want into the default branch. It’s also a reference to the history and understanding of the changes someone is making to an application. It gives code reviewers and testers more confidence in really knowing what’s going on.

Gandalf: you shall not merge this code!

So what does it have to do with Instagram? Bear with me here, it has merit.

The foundations of an Instagram post

This can apply to any social media platform, but we’re going to stick with Instagram here. Let’s start with an example of a post from NASA. The post can be broken down into a few vital components: an image, description, and hashtags.


What does this have to do with code?

I’m getting there! Looking at each part, we can start to relate these back to our merge…

