So, I’m switching to Mac after years and years using Windows

Tatiana Smetanina
Published in
4 min readDec 28, 2016

Hi there!

My name is Tatiana I’m a former Microsoft employee and a geek. A geek in a good way, very very addictive and passionate. I love everything related to web and mobile. I’m enjoying to try and learn new things.

My professional story is quite short, but, maybe, some of us who was born around 1980–1990 can recognize yourself.

I started my career early, before 16 years old. It was quite fun and good money. I was earning more than my parents and could support my family. I did some contract job, freelance (people used to use a different word for it), used to work for integrators. But I didn’t study very hard.

Anyway, I finished school, university and found a Consultant job in Microsoft Russia.

So, even before 23 years, I become “young urban professional” and “expensive” expert with a good salary and corporate car. I met lots of good people and learned from them a lot. Big projects, deadlines, business trips, more business trips, parties in between, bars, clubs, alone, with mates, partners, customers. Conferences, hackathons, public speaking, even a tour around the country by truck. Actually, it was a good school of life, high standard of doing things and unforgettable experience.

I used to work days, nights, weekends, holidays and etc. I have been seeing and doing a completely different projects and how is real business happens. I even become a bit cynical :).

And I burned out.

I started to feel that I don’t like what I’m doing anymore, tired of responsibilities and busy calendar. I started to be able to see nasty things that frustrates me (in business it may happen sometimes and it’s fine). Just, when I was young, pink-colored glasses are not allowed me to see it. My parents died (they don’t need my support anymore), I divorced, bought a flat, bought a car, lose driver licence, did lots of stupid things, resign and moved to the UK randomly, because I like London, I feel comfortable here and this lifestyle aligned with who I’m now.

I got a job, but it’s not the same that I have before. Everything not the same. Not the same people, not the same level of responsibilities, not the same projects, not the same level of trust, team, and culture. That’s what will happen and how you’ll feel if your new position many many levels below where you was before.

Unhappiness with your professional life. I’m feeling just I’m nothing and I’m loosing my time. But, also, I fucked up all the opportunities to change it for better by failing all the interviews in big companies. It put me down. I tried even crazy projects like to build a hostel in a bus, but failed too. Startups or my own business (to be honest I want it) are not suitable for me now because I need a permanent job, visa sponsorship and work permit.

I spent few months in depression, got tired of bad thoughts and started to act again. Even I tied to resign. But wasn’t successfully (yeah, even I can’t do it in my current legal status). Instead of it I did a small revolution on the job. But, I can see, it’s not working and it can’t make me happy or proud of what I’m doing.

Firstly, I have to answer a question what I want to do and what I can do for a living, realistically and legally and NOW. Well, realistically and now, I can do any web or mobile projects quite well and consultant job.

So, to get something better in short term:

  • I need to align my knowledges to the “market” with projects where I can see myself and I need to improve my language.
  • I have to be better than 90% competitors to get a job with sponsorship. In my country, I can have tens competitors for one position, but here, sometimes, there are hundreds and thousands.
  • I need specialization. In my country I can be a person who can do everything and I like it. I like to be a “24x7 super hero”. But here it’s not working like this.

Sounds not easy. Something like “rebuild” yourself.

Let’s start to work on it.

So, I took two weeks off work, bought a MacBook and started practicing with native iOS, android development and javascript frameworks. I found small freelance for a time b and I have created this blog (remember… improve my language :)).

With the big experience in C#, .net, sql and cross-platform mobile development I’m learning faster than my expectations.

I found that I’m still interested in technologies, like blogging and can spend hours and hours learning and trying, even instead of going out with the friends. * Hello all the Christmas buzzing parties *

I didn’t think that it’ll be like this and one small thing (just a new toy) can wake up my interest and give me the motivation to fight.

To be continued…

Next time with the technical tricks.

