The bread Diet & Six Pack Abs. Lose weight & have 6 pack abs while eating bread.

Eli Elad Elrom
Free diving
Published in
8 min readMay 23, 2020


If you learn the techniques I am about to show you, you too can lose weight & even have 6 pack abs, while eating healthy plus lots of bread, as well as your favorite food every day!

I love bread and especially French baguette, but I want to be slim, healthy and keep my six packs long term.

In the past I thought it’s impossible. I would go on diets trying to keep 6 packs abs by having high protein low carbs diets. These diets were great getting there but not long term. They also created for me stomach ache as the high protein diet of eggs & chicken did not settle too well and not easy to implement as vegan / flexaterian without protein vegan supplements.

Apparently, I am not the only one. If you found this article I bet you too would like to know how to lose weight, while not removing bread or any other food you love off your diet.

Nothing change – for a diet to lead to weight loss, calories burned must exceed calories consumed to produce a calorie deficit. However, can you have six packs with eating bread?

Bread is a known target of diets as the cause of gain fat reason prevent of losing weight. Here is an interesting fact about bread; Bread Is Addictive.

