The mystery of UFOs and their enormous energy, my own interpretation!

Sadok Jabli
Free energy ..Free Humanity
13 min readNov 28, 2022

The mystery of UFOs and their enormous energy, my own interpretation!

On April 27, 2020, the US Department of Defense published on its official website three videos showing unidentified flying objects documented by US Navy pilots years ago over the Pacific Ocean.

Thus, the Pentagon officially recognized the existence of Unidentified Flying Objects, known as UFOs, more than fifty years after their discovery. New York Times and a company called To the Stars Academy of Arts & Sciences published these videos in 2017 and 2018, and the US Navy had then confirmed their authenticity.

In 2017, one of the pilots told the New York Times that the speed of this object increased as he had never seen it before. The newspaper report confirms that several crew described the object, which flew low over the water before moving away very quickly, as “in the shape of a rectangle 40 feet long”. After this confrontation, 60 miles from the warship, the American pilots left the scene up to 40 miles from the ship, but they were surprised when they heard the ship’s crew informing them by radio that the unidentified flying objects were reappeared above the ship, meaning this object traveled 60 miles in less than a minute.

The mystery of UFOs and their enormous energy, my own interpretation!

What really matters to me is the huge amount of energy this flying object consumes!!!

These scenes and my questions about the amount of energy consumed led me directly to the theories of Walter Russell, Nikola Tesla’s quantum motor, the energy catalyst, the optic dynamo generator designed by Walter Russell and all these systems that the scientific community classifies them in the category of free energy that contradict the laws of thermodynamics.

But before explaining the principles of operation of these systems and how the observation of unidentified flying objects led me to think about them, I must first explain from my point of view the reason for all this ambiguity about free energy, perhaps it leads us to understand the mystery surrounding UFOs despite the passage of more than fifty years since their appearance.

According to the scientific community, a free energy generator is a supernumerary system which would produce more energy than it consumes, that is to say that it is a system which would not suffer any loss of energy since it would “overproduce”.

“Free energy” is always associated with the term “perpetual motion”, which contains an explicit contradiction between two words which cannot be combined because if the word “motion” necessarily denotes the transformation and dissipation of energy the word “perpetual” necessarily designates, according to physicists, the violation of the laws of thermodynamics.

But the scientific community justifies its use of this term by considering that perpetual motion is a theoretical motion that cannot exist in reality, which transfers the responsibility of demonstrating the practical application of this type of motion directly to researchers interested in this domain and this is what really happened, because it turns out that scientists have developed since the beginning of the twentieth century alternative means to obtain electricity without combustion by inventing mechanisms producing free energy and they have proven the possibility of producing energy from this type of movement in hundreds of laboratories around the world but along with these experiments and inventions a lot of stories have spread about the oppression to which these researchers have been subjected. Could all those scientists and inventors who followed and worked on the idea of free energy really be stupid people or fame-seeking fraudsters and liars?!

Absolutely not, these venerable scientists and inventors were only motivated by their desire to realize their vision with free and unlimited energy for everyone. Nikola Tesla, one of the most important scientists behind our current knowledge of electricity, was one of the most famous scientists who worked extensively on the idea of free energy.

Personally I have proven in an applied way that there is a continuous rotational movement which results from gravity and also from a set of permanent magnets when using a specific technical solution and without violating any of the principles of thermodynamics, if there is motion, it means that the laws of thermodynamics have been respected.

We can also observe the spontaneous flow of water from a closed barrel connected to the sea or a water well on one side and open on the other under the influence of the atmospheric pressure difference at the inside and outside the barrel.

I also developed the Leonardo Da Vinci wheel and theoretically turned it into a turbine that rotates continuously by the force of gravity and relied on it to perform precise calculations and select specific materials to prove my new Theory of Free Renewable Energy Generation (the research is freely available on the Research Gate website)

I think that continuing to use the same term “perpetual motion” pointing to a flaw in the initial understanding of free energy systems from the scientific community.

Therefore, the continued adoption of the term “perpetual motion” with its glaring contradiction, leads us to a big scientific error which, in turn, leads us to a scientific fallacy when defining the mechanisms that produce free energy as theoretical systems producing an output energy higher than the input energy which is in contradiction with the first and the second principle of thermodynamics. This currently adopted analysis is completely wrong because free energy systems generate more energy than they need to function and less than they consume at the input. The meaning is completely different between the two definitions. Free energy is produced by mechanisms that generate more energy than is needed to make it work, and this does not violate the first principle of thermodynamics, since the amount of energy required for the mechanism is only the small amount which satisfies the need to start or operate the technical solution which stimulates the natural constant force surrounding the system and makes it operable as the gravitational force or the force of atmospheric pressure or the force of the hydrostatic pressure of the water and many other sources, so that the energy entering the system is equal to the output energy and the amount of energy is always the same, no matter what physical transformations take place in this system, this is exactly the first principle of thermodynamics, and during the conversion of energy, a part is converted into heat which increases the overall entropy of the system and this is exactly the second principle of thermodynamics.

More specifically, in my opinion: Free energy is the energy produced by a system capable of repetitively stimulating a constant natural force and causing it to move periodically and continuously.

The amount of energy required for starting or operating (as the case may be) the technical solution responsible for stimulating the constant natural force is not the only amount of input energy of the system but also the amount of energy produced by the stimulated natural force is an input energy. The output energy is the sum of the two quantities.

The amount of energy is always the same regardless of the physical transformations that take place in the system.

Returning to the inherited errors in the definition of movement resulting from the stimulation of constant natural forces which reach the level of scientific fallacy, when defining free energy systems, continuing to present these definitions to university students as solid scientific facts and consolidating the loophole in their initial understanding of such systems will lead to further disruption of free energy research and deprive humanity of its right to access a new form of clean and safe energy which can be a way to eliminate the problems of food and water scarcity in the world quickly and inexpensively and achieve a state of prosperity unprecedented in modern history. But who among us does not wish to have a free and unlimited source of energy? Why all this obscurity and fallacies around free energy?

After discovering all these scientific facts, I first thought that the term “perpetual motion” was coined to obscure a certain aspect of physics in order to protect the oil industry in the last century and prevent the teaching and the research in this branch of physics. But after the Pentagon acknowledged the existence of UFOs and released these videos, and when I linked this to the theories of Walter Russell, quantum Energy Generator and Optic Dynamo-Generator, I began to think the matter was much more dangerous, especially that to assume that these UFOs belong to extraterrestrials becomes ridiculous because if these extraterrestrials have all this power that allows them to travel 60 miles in less than a minute and do some weird maneuver and then just disappear, then why did they not communicate with us or occupied our planet since 2004, date of the first video taken by the US Navy, where we have no power to confront them and they can control our planet in a few hours or even annihilate us in a few minutes if they target the nuclear weapons and nuclear power plants on our planet.

So there is only one hypothesis left, and that is that these UFOs are used by humans like us who live among us. It wouldn’t be dangerous if these machines belong to state agencies in the United States, but what is really dangerous is to assume that these machines are in the hands of an organized group that is outside the law and is not subject to any state authority. Of course, it is never possible to think that this technology belongs to any country other than the United States of America, because the emergence of these UFOs has always been associated with American soil, and if we assume that the Pentagon has no relation to it and is really looking for an explanation for this phenomenon, it means that humanity is just a few steps away from annihilation, especially if I invoke the so-called conspiracy theory, more precisely the theory of the so-called golden billion. I have the right now to invoke the billion gold theory and assume its existence if this technology is not subject to any state authority because proving the existence of such powerful technology logically requires the existence of a strong secret organization behind it.

What really surprised me was that the Pentagon established an office to track UFOs!!!

What is the benefit of creating this office if they know they can’t even approach it…??? !!!

Why not research the source of this enormous energy used by these UFOs and why not focus on the theories of Russell, Nikola Tesla and many scientists and inventors who have said that there are other sources of enormous energy which around us and that their engines and theories do not contradict the laws of thermodynamics and the main problem is that these laws are misapplied to their engines. If motion exists in reality, then the laws of thermodynamics have been followed because there is no motion to which the laws of thermodynamics do not apply.

Going back to the testimonies of the pilots, who estimated that the speed of these objects was 60 miles in less than a minute which is approximately 2km/s, it reminded me of the maximum peripheral speed of the carbon fiber-resin which is 2366 m/s. This speed is not very high compared to the speed of some types of war missiles, but the strange thing is that the UFO moves at that speed without aerodynamic drag friction and switching the path smoothly and impressively like it was moving in a vacuum chamber. The vacuum chamber is generally used to limit the aerodynamic drag and minimize the energy losses of an energy storage flywheel during the stationary phase. High-speed flywheels have rotation speeds of up to 50,000 rpm and are generally made of very light materials such as carbon fiber or glass.

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If we look closely at the UFO image below, we notice that a white aura surrounds the object and if I illustrate the image using Microsoft Picture Manager The aura becomes more visible:

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If we take into account the imaging technique used, which is most likely to be infrared, this white aura may have appeared due to the difference in the density of air around the object from the rest of the space that moves in it, and therefore I suppose that the flying unknown object uses some technology that makes it able to create a vacuum in its surroundings that enables it to move with the least amount of friction, as in the case of the flywheel.

But the most important question remains, how does this body obtain all that huge energy that enables it to create a vacuum around itself and move inside it at that speed?

Before I try to answer this question, I first want to touch on the most important theories and devices that may be related to the emergence of this strange form of energy that can be produced by a small mechanism compared to its huge quantity.

Among the theories that may be related to these UFOs, the theories of Walter RUSSELL, which says that the universe is made up of electrical energy, and that nature multiplies energy by concentrating the energy of space until matter is formed.

Walter RUSSELL designed the optic dynamo-generator; this generator was manufactured in the 60s in the United States with the intention of producing electricity using vacuum energy.

It is also important to mention the quantum motor which consists of passing an electron through a small hole in a diamond crystal in order to create electromagnetic waves thanks to the superposition of two energy levels, which allows the electron to be in two different configurations at the same time, its operating principle is very close to the energy catalyst.

It was in 1870 that Nikola Tesla had the idea of designing a motor that used the magnetic field created between the copper coil and the magnet to produce electricity without fossil energy and power an alternating current generator. The concept remains difficult to grasp for non-specialists in quantum physics.

But the most important system that I think can solve the mystery of the force harnessed by UFOs is the system composed by an electric DC motor connected to a dynamo which consists of connecting the axis of an electric motor to that of a dynamo in order to instigate such a movement. After a few turns of the crank to launch together, the dynamo would generate current which would turn the motor, which in turn would drive the dynamo.

At first sight, this device seems ridiculous, and if we apply the principle of conservation of energy in a traditional way, we will find that it is a supernumerary system which produces efficiency greater than 1.

Moreover, this system cannot work for a long time because of the friction and energy losses during the transformation of electrical energy of the dynamo into mechanical energy of the dc motor. But if we use small dc motors to make this system, I noted that we can recover a few watts in the form of mechanical energy from the toothed wheel embedded in the axis of the dynamo to supply led diodes connected to another smaller dynamo connected to the axis of the main dynamo as shown in the following picture!!!

I also notice the quantity of heat released by the system which means that the overall entropy of the system increases during the transformation of energy in the system, all this guided me to reflect that there is an error in the method of applying the principle of energy conservation when calculating the input/output energy of the system and if I apply the principle of energy conservation in the same way as I have suggested through my own theory of production of free renewable energy which consists in calculating the energy produced by the natural force stimulated and consider it as input energy, I have come to the conclusion that there is an unknown natural force that was accidentally stimulated and incited at a very low level, which rendered the system unusable and appeared to be a supernumerary system with an efficiency greater than 1.

Therefore, I would like to invite NASA, and more particularly the scientific team responsible for studying UFOs, to study this system precisely because the presence of a quantity of energy and the increase in overall entropy of the system have only one meaning is that there is another natural force that was accidentally stimulated and produced a small amount of mechanical energy and it is never reasonable to talk about the existence of a supernumerary system in reality because, as you know, energy can only be transformed or transferred from one form to another and cannot be created or lost.

I believe that understanding the source of this unknown force will lead to an understanding of the mystery of UFOs. Our success in manufacturing these systems will bring about the biggest and fastest change in human history, as the energy will be in the hands of the people, man will rapidly transform from a failed being struggling daily for survival with the possibility of self-destruction at any moment to a self-sufficient being striving only for prosperity and peace.

Author: Sadok JABLI: Researcher, Inventor & Founder of Yoster Power Solutions

