How Nazism Flourished Again

Guess where?

Serhii Onkov
Free Factor
3 min readApr 2, 2024


Photo by Tengyart on Unsplash

“The fascists of the future will be called anti-fascists.”

The phrase is attributed to Winston Churchill despite no evidence that he could have said this. “You should be careful with information from the Internet” © Leonardo da Vinci. It’s a shame because the phrase is worthy of some great author. It became prophetic.

Because 80 years after WWII, one country attacked its neighbors while hiding behind “the fight against Nazism.” I remember this differs from fascism, but the essence is the same. Especially for Russian “liberators,” only 7% of whom have higher education (according to their statistics of mobilization).

Over two years of murders, rapes, and destroying civil infrastructure are masked as good intentions of fighting against Nazis, the “criminal Kyiv regime,” NATO, the “decaying West,” or any fuckin’ one if you’d believe Russian TV. Goebbels would be shocked if he’d found out such lies were possible.

Yet in 1995, Umberto Eco presented an Ur-Fascism or “Fascismo eterno” concept. It consisted of 14 symptoms of fascism, which are its constant characteristics that do not depend on the country or historical period. First, I planned to disassemble every point with real examples of Russian politics and social life. But it would be a long and tedious text, so who cares? Let’s listen to the music instead.

But it’s very specific music, so you’d better prepare a bucket to prevent the consequences of the gag reflex. Well, I want to introduce you to Shaman, a young Russian singer — nothing special, typical pop music, but with an interesting video clip.

The song is called “Мы” (“We”). And yes, this guy is walking around the Red Square in Moscow in a typical Nazi uniform (only with the Russian flag instead of the swastika). Not to mention a particular hairstyle of a pure Aryan.

I honestly waited for him to make “Sieg Heil” in the end. God forgive me; I saw the whole video for that. The fact that the song was released on Hitler’s birthday is a coincidence as well, of course.

Notice that he’s not a random provocateur who makes such videos to discredit. He’s the top pro-government and trendy artist. He performed at concerts on different national holidays, including “reunion” (occupation of Ukrainian regions), and sang the Russian anthem with Putin at one.

I always struggle with the misconception of bad Putin and good Russians under his yoke. There is no suffering for those who enjoy this. Putin can send troops to occupy another country, but rape, torture, and mass murder remain their initiative. Producers can create an image of the artist, but millions of views and favorable comments can’t appear without people who genuinely support this.

With rare exceptions, we can see the fantastic union of Russian people and their elites (how strange to name vile totalitarians “elites”). This is a phenomenal union of Nazism, racism, and homophobia, with the addition of a superiority sense.

I’ll add only one more example, a post by Dmitry Rogozin on X (Twitter). Again, he’s not just some random alcoholic but the former head of Roscosmos (the Russian space agency), “Doctor of Technical and Philosophical Sciences,” as he humbly introduced himself, and “senator” of the Zaporizhzhya region (an occupied part of Ukraine).

We relate differently to the U.S. and its politics, but whaaat? (This is the same question I’d pose to Twitter, who hasn’t deleted this vile post since February.)

One day, I’ll possibly introduce you to Dmitry Medvedev, who was even the president of Russia at one point (actually, a doll with Putin’s hand in the asshole, but still), and his mad statements. But not now; it’s enough perversions for today.

There will be no conclusions. I think you already understand me.

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