How I Got Certified from ISTQB For FREE & Saved €1650+ On The Training Program.

Sio Chang ✨
IT Certification Mastery
4 min readSep 15, 2023

As a recent graduate with a passion for all things tech, I embarked on a journey to land my job in software engineering field. Like many fresh graduates, I quickly realized that having a degree wasn’t always enough to stand out in the competitive job market. It was the dreaded “certification required” section that often stood between me and the job of my dreams, but I was determined to overcome this hurdle and set myself up for success.

Above are some of the many job postings that mention ISTQB cerification as a possible requirement.

My quest began when I stumbled upon a job posting that I couldn’t ignore. It was for a graduate position that perfectly matched my skills and interests. The only catch? They required a foundation level in ISTQB certification, which I didn’t have. It is a pricey certification, with training courses (with exam code included) averaging around €1650, a significant sum for a recent graduate. Even without the training program ,the exam code alone would cost around €200 .

For those who don’t know, ISTQB® is the leading global certification scheme in the field of software testing with over 1.1 million exams worldwide. Their certifications are widely accepted in the software industry.

Online ISTQB Foundation course with Exam Code

Determined to find a more budget-friendly path to certification, I began scouring the internet for alternatives. That’s when I stumbled upon a hidden gem: a government-funded program offering the very same certification course I needed. The best part? It was entirely free!

My heart raced as I filled out the application, hoping against hope that I’d be accepted into the program. Weeks later, the email arrived, confirming my spot in the course. I couldn’t have been happier; it was a golden opportunity to gain the certification I needed without breaking the bank.

It also worth noting to mention that they offer certifications not only for computer programming, there are plethora of courses that span from business , digital design to data science and networking.

ISTQB program on

The program was a game-changer in more ways than one. Not only did it save me a small fortune, but it also introduced me to a supportive course coordinator.

The course itself was rigorous and demanding, but I was driven by the thought of the job waiting for me at the finish line. I poured hours into learning the material, practicing, and preparing for the exam. The effort was intense, but I knew it was worth it.

Fast forward to exam day, and I was a bundle of nerves. The hours of studying and preparation came down to this moment. As I sat down to take the exam, my heart was pounding, but my determination was unwavering. I tackled each question with focus and precision, drawing upon the knowledge I’d gained during the course.

When the results were finally in, I couldn’t believe my eyes — I had passed with flying colors! I was now officially certified in the software testing that had once seemed so out of reach. The feeling of accomplishment was indescribable.

Armed with my newfound certification, I am prepared to apply for the dream job that had started this journey. This time, the “certification required” section held no power over me. I could confidently showcase my certification and the skills I had honed during the course.

My story is a testament to the power of determination, resourcefulness, and the opportunities that can arise when you least expect them. If you’re a graduate like me, looking to break into the IT field or just want to get certified to improve your resume, I encourage you to explore your local government-funded programs and other cost-effective alternatives for certifications. They can be the stepping stones to the career you’ve always dreamed of, just as they were for me.

If you are over 18 years old and living in Ireland , I encourage you to check out the Irish government funded programs from platforms such as ecollege and Future In Tech. They have many hot trending certifications, for example from ecollege ,they have programs such as Java professional developers (SE8) ,Oracle Certified Associate Database and Certified associate in python programming. They all come with exam codes.

***Please note that some of the courses from ecollege will be closing soon ( final application date 30th Sept 2023) , but have a look at their other courses and keep an eye on their website , they may post new courses.

So, take the plunge, invest in your future, and watch your dreams come true!



Sio Chang ✨
IT Certification Mastery

I write everything about software and product development, crypto & machine learning.