En Qi Li(李恩齊)
Free Mind
Published in
3 min readJul 31, 2024


Photo by cottonbro studio

The Modern Practice of Relational Holistic Education: The Application of AI Technology in Liberal Arts Education

This article proposes that liberal arts education should be grounded in the “relational holistic perspective,” which emphasizes the inherent interconnectedness and interdependence of phenomena. This perspective is particularly crucial as the humanities navigate the necessary transformations prompted by technological advancements. The “relational holistic perspective” serves as a reminder to the humanities that understanding any cultural, historical, or intellectual phenomenon requires considering its complex relationships with other phenomena, rather than isolated observation and analysis. In the contemporary context, where the humanities and AI technology seem to be in opposition, it is essential for the humanities to embrace data analysis and natural language processing (NLP) technologies as tools for research and learning, thereby exploring the unique value of the humanities in the modern era. The application of AI as a tool to empower the humanities can be approached from the following angles:

- Cross-Cultural and Cross-Temporal Association Analysis
AI technology can quickly process large volumes of textual data, enabling researchers to compare and contrast texts from different periods and cultures. NLP techniques, such as sentiment analysis and topic modeling, can uncover underlying themes and emotional patterns in texts, helping researchers understand the commonalities and differences in thought across various cultural backgrounds. This facilitates the study of intellectual transformations within a specific era or culture and aids in analyzing the pathways of cross-cultural influences.

- Tracing the Evolution of Ideas
Researchers can leverage AI’s data analysis capabilities to trace the historical evolution of specific philosophical concepts or ideas. By analyzing a vast array of literature, it is possible to identify the frequency and semantic changes of certain concepts over different periods, mapping the development trajectory of ideas and their evolution in diverse cultural and temporal contexts. For instance, AI technology can be used to trace the different interpretations and applications of the concept of “freedom” in Western and Eastern philosophy.

- Interpreting Meanings in Diverse Contexts
The relational holistic perspective emphasizes the importance of understanding phenomena within different contexts. AI technology, through contextual analysis, can reveal the specific meanings of certain concepts or terms within various contexts, helping to avoid simplistic conceptual transference or misunderstandings and fostering deeper cross-cultural dialogue. For example, contextual analysis tools can aid in understanding the specific interpretations of certain philosophical concepts within different cultural backgrounds, rather than relying solely on their literal meanings.

- Constructing Knowledge Graphs
The humanities can utilize AI technology to link key figures, events, and concepts across different cultures, periods, and intellectual traditions, constructing knowledge graphs that visually display the developmental trajectory of intellectual history. This not only serves academic research but also enhances education and teaching, allowing students to more intuitively grasp complex intellectual systems and their evolutionary processes.

The application of AI technology offers a more comprehensive realization of modern relational holistic education in the liberal arts, while also prompting educational and humanities research to rethink and transform through new methodologies and perspectives. With the aid of AI technology, researchers can achieve a global perspective on the continuity and transformation of human thought, uncover the intrinsic connections across different cultural and historical contexts, and provide technical support for the development of the humanities and the transformation of modern liberal arts education. Additionally, it can stimulate the expansion of the dimensions in which humanity must think.



En Qi Li(李恩齊)
Free Mind

Researcher at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University in Taiwan, focusing on education research.