Book release: ‘Culture at play: How Video Games Influence and Replicate Our World’

Victor Navarro-Remesal
Free Play
Published in
2 min readApr 7, 2021

This is a brief note to share that a book I co-edited is out. It has actually been out since November, but with one (pandemic) thing and another I haven’t had the chance to get my copies until now.

The book is the result of a conference/workshop I attended a few years ago in Oxford. My role in it, besides coauthoring a chapter, has been that of a producer, making sure every piece fell into its place and the whole endevour was finished. This means I didn’t have a say in the content, but I think it’s a worthy and thoughtful collection of perspectives and ideas. I’m very glad to see it published!

The back cover copy reads:

What is video game culture and video games as culture? Culture at Play avoids easy answers and deceitful single definitions. Instead, the collected essays included here navigate the messy and exciting waters of video games, of culture, and of the meeting of video games and culture, and do so from four perspectives: Players: Types and Identities; The Human/The Machine: Agents, Ethics, and Affect; Compassion, Recognition, and the Interpersonal; and Learning through Play. As a form of play, video games can greatly affect our lives. As digital objects, they participate in our digital lives. As both, they have a noticeable impact on our relationships with others, with society, and with ourselves, and this is the scope of this book.

You can see the contents and buy the book/the chapters here:



Victor Navarro-Remesal
Free Play

PhD, Game Studies. Videogames, play, animation, narrative, humour, philosophy. The unexamined game is not worth playing.