12 Best React.js Courses for Beginners in 2024

A list of best online React courses for beginners and web developers who want to learn React in 2024.



10 Best React.js course to learn online

If you are a Web developer or someone passionate about web development and looking for some awesome courses to learn React, React.js, or React JS, a popular JavaScript framework to develop a component-based user interface then you have come to the right place.

Facebook’s React library has taken the front-end development world by storm. More and more people have started using React.js even in favor of Google’s Angular, another popular front-end development framework.

Well, I am not going into the classic debate of Angular vs React as both frameworks have their advantage and disadvantages but if you have chosen to learn React, you have made the right decision.

For those who don’t know what is React and Redux, let me tell you that React is a JavaScript library that allows you to build complex GUI for single-page web applications and mobile applications by re-using several small components.

For example, you build a component to display the header and image and reuse that to create a board of tasks.

Similarly, Redux is another JavaScript library for managing application…




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