Disaster Strikes When You Least Expect It
Life is so unpredictable
Hi, I’m Rita. I’m 35 years old and a senior nurse at the local hospital.
My husband was an IT guy. A software programmer. All technical. As for me, I didn’t even own a laptop. Most of my work was on papers — duty rosters, registers of medicines stored in the wards, patient charts, etc.
Being a techie, everything was on his laptop: his to-do list, e-bills, and bank statements. He maintained a folder called IMPWDS wherein he stored all login IDs and passwords for his online accounts.
Even his laptop had a password.
All the passwords were alpha-numeric with a special character, and none of them were easy to crack. Office policy said passwords needed to be changed every 30 days, so every time I accessed his laptop, I realized it was a new password again.
I would ask him, “What’s the latest password?” instead of taking the strain to memorize it.
You may think that my being a nurse meant that I would have everything documented and filed properly. Unfortunately, the same discipline was not carried over to my day-to-day home life.
In the hospital, I had to be the epitome of reliability and competence. Home was a different story. Here, there was always a tomorrow.