6 Ways to Engage Yourself and Your Infant

April Brown
Free Spirit Learning
3 min readJan 22, 2017

We’ve almost made it to the five month mark and the difference between our daughter’s abilities at three months compared to now is remarkable! She is holding her head up, babbling, smiling, and engaged in the world…truly ready to explore!

The first few months of parenthood we enjoyed taking our daughter out in her ergo baby carrier or a stroller, but now we are enjoying introducing her to new places, people & experiences.

Whether your a stay-at-home caregiver or working part time or full time, its important to optimize the time you spend with your infant!

Here are 6 ways to stay sane and engage your babe!

Tummy Time Reading

Put your babe on her tummy and help her read a book. Not only will she strengthen her neck muscles, throat, and swallowing reflexes, but you’ll enjoy the time together!

Take a Rest Reading

Lay down together, chill, and take a rest!!! Who knows, your little one may even fall asleep. Increase her love for literature and give yourself compassion at the same time!


I’m a huge fan of Yoga with Adriene cause’ I don’t have time to go to a yoga studio (even though we have one in our village right across the street….yeah, I know). My daughter enjoys laying on her tummy or back and watching me do yoga. Okay, 75% of the time. The other 25% I call our practice “screaming yoga”…you get the gist.

Reverse Tummy Time

Put your infant on your tummy and let them see the world the way you do! We always look down on our babes, they enjoy looking down on you and seeing you from an entirely different perspective. Also another way to give yourself a BREAK!

Walk it Out

Go for a walk. Breathe fresh air. Talk to strangers (or corner them and talk their ear off in my case). We are nature. Get outside!!!


Those living in cold weather may hate me right about now. We live in a small village in Belize, so we like to EXPLORE! Our daughter isn’t sure about the ocean yet, but we will continue to take her to new places so she develops a love for adventure. Smelling, tasting, touching, feeling, and hearing new sounds is wonderful for your baby’s development!!!



April Brown
Free Spirit Learning

Innovative educator (M.Ed) & believer of inclusive teaching, human rights, social justice https://aprillorrainebrownblog.com