Endless Posting Opportunities with Verse Stories

Eric Emma
Free The Story
Published in
2 min readApr 17, 2017
Social cards from “Don’t Fence Me In”

How you socialize a story may be one of the most critically important questions to consider when publishing. We all want the same thing: getting as many eyeballs on our content as possible and keeping those eyeballs glued to our content. Verse tackles this issue by challenging the traditional norms of online video. Online video should not be static, it should be as dynamic as any other piece of online content.

Verse allows you to offer your story in easily digestible parts. This means, as you begin your social media plan, you can consider more options for inviting users to enjoy your story. One is through the traditional front door of your story, where they’ll be greeted by the cover to your story.

As always, make sure your story’s social image and social sharing message in the publishing tab is as compelling as possible. This is the information used by Twitter, Facebook, and other social media outlets when promoting your link.

The other options are to invite a user to specific chapters and subchapters of your story. From there the user can discover the rest of your story. You may not realize it, but every chapter and subchapter in your Verse story has its own unique URL. Even more exciting is that each of those links generate their own special cards on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms. This becomes an incredibly powerful tool for a social media manager or creator.

For example, take a look at all the different cards that can be generated from our story, “Don’t Fence Me In.” If you plug in the main story link, https://verse.com/video/605-dont-fence-me-in/, it’s different than if you plug in a sub-chapter link, https://verse.com/video/605-dont-fence-me-in/dont-fence-me-in/for-mil-jail-or-horses. Have fun checking this out on any story using Verse.

We all want to create unique, dynamic experiences at Verse. These social media tools give you the capability to reflect that through a wide variety of social media posts instead of just one. It also gives your users the opportunity to socialize your content in ways that are customized to their perspective.

