Free Them All VA Fund 2021 Report

Free Them All VA
Free Them All VA
Published in
2 min readMar 22, 2022

In April 2020, we hosted a car caravan in Fairfax to call attention to the inhumanity of detention and incarceration at all times, and especially during a global pandemic. During the caravan, our comrades were targeted and harassed by Fairfax county police. The Free Them All VA fund formed in response to this as a fund for legal representation for our comrades facing police retaliation from the caravan and community members regularly targeted by the court system. Since then, it has expanded to help support folks detained in Virginia detention centers and also provide immediate support upon their release.

Read our 2020 fund report.

2021 Expense Report

In 2021, the fund covered commissary contributions for 94 people, for a total of 186 transactions and $35,217. The fund also covered post release support for 25 people, for a total of 37 transactions and $10,357. The total amount of money distributed by the fund in 2021 was $45,574. Our expense report is detailed below. Amounts are rounded to the nearest dollar.

2021 Free Them All VA Fund Report

2022 Onwards

Starting in 2022, the Free Them All VA Fund has merged with La ColectiVA’s Liberation Fund. Please continue to contribute by donating there.

If you would like to request funds fill in this form. For commissary support please provide us with the detained person’s commissary ID (not A number) in the commissary system since oftentimes detention centers misspell people’s names.

Free Them All VA is an abolitionist coalition centered around amplifying the organizing of those incarcerated in Virginia detention centers, jails, and prisons. Our demand to free them all has no asterisk. All means all.

Follow Free Them All VA on twitter and instagram for ways to take action! And contact us at



Free Them All VA
Free Them All VA

Amplifying demands of folks organizing for liberation from VA migrant detention, jails & prisons. Email: #FreeThemAllVA