Fight, Fight, Fight, a N****r and a White

Steeped in disgust and embedded in our soul.

G Correia


Image by Gundula Vogel from Pixabay.

Frightening to even fathom, but with all its ugliness, this phrase was commonly chanted by suburban schoolchildren eagerly awaiting a rumble to commence between two misguided preteens. It didn’t matter if both opponents shared the same skin tone. Determined before the first swing caught air, whoever drew the shortest straw (or was the crowd’s least favorite) would undoubtedly hold the distinction of being the “less than desirable” subhuman that was “the n****r.”

The ease at which this chant slipped off the tongues of babes so effortlessly, one could wonder was this statement used as easily at home as it was in the schoolyard?

Middle school in particular ran the gamut of unsuspecting and highly questionable behavior masked only by the naïveté most children possessed at this age. It was not uncommon for kids to mimic what they had learned, be it from someone they idolized like a famous athlete, a peer, or more commonly from someone at home.

Witnessing such despicable behavior take flight and transcend once it reached the untainted innocence of school was a common occurrence by unwitting kids who didn’t know any better.

“Fight, fight, fight, a n****r and a White.”



G Correia

Taking up space and proud to be average | Writing about life and trying to make sense of it all | Editor of Freethinkr | Maker of pancakes