In a Land Far, Far Away

Yesterday and Today

Giulietta Passarelli
Published in
5 min readJan 24, 2021


Photo by Johnathan Ciarrocca on Unsplash

Long ago makes me think of fiction, in a land far, far away………., so often not wanting to remember past days. There were good ones and bad ones like today. Nothing different there. The differences could be astounding and back then, many of us were in the same boat. Some had more, some had less, some had much less.

I grew up in a family of twelve. There were ten children, and it could get very noisy and dramatic. We slept two to three in a bed, but we had a bed to sleep in, a roof over our heads, and food in our bellies. I was the youngest, so I was more fortunate because progress had been made in later years. My brother and one sister had cars. My parents didn’t drive, so I walked to school six blocks away. Kindergarten class had over forty kids. The funny thing about starting school, which I have to laugh about, is that I hid in the same place every day when it was school time. That’s a five-year-old striving to find comfort, and the place behind the side table that held newspapers and magazines was my comfort zone.

My grandson had to discuss how life was growing up for his parents and grandparents which brought me to this article. My mother was my rock. She did most everything to take care of us and what she couldn’t do, my brothers and sisters would. My father worked seven days a week. My mother gave up her job in…



Giulietta Passarelli

Author/Poet/Writer of middle gr. novels, short stories, poems, for adults, YA, the ageless:; updates website every 1st of the month.