The Smartest People Know How To Communicate Simply

Overcomplicated is just another word for ego

Destiny S. Harris


Photo by Product School on Unsplash

People who use fancy jargon and overcomplicated concepts are often more concerned about their pride than effective communication.

If you desire to improve your communication and want others to actually understand you, speak simply.

Many concepts and ideas aren’t complicated; humans have merely chosen to complicate things.

Do you know those who can summarize a lecture, lesson, book, podcast, or movie in a solid and understandable five sentences or less?

Learn to become more like them.

Fancy jargon, big words, and complicated side decks are praised in the corporate world. But what if we could all change this by promoting simplification?

It starts with praising the simple explanations, presentations, and summaries. When someone delivers something quick, effective, and simple, thank them.

When things are simplified, you’ll be surprised how much more productive teams, companies, and individuals can be.

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