Jupiter’s Pushy Side, EXTRA extra Transits & Winning Every Day

A Reflection on Jupiter in Capricorn 2019–2020

Hilary Booker, Ph.D.
Free Yah Mind
7 min readDec 3, 2019


Photo by Sami Hobbs on Unsplash

Today, Jupiter leaves his home sign of Sagittarius (where he’s spent the past year) and joins the party in Capricorn, where Pluto and Saturn will come to a perfect conjunction in January. Jupiter is the planet of expansion. Often called “the great benefic” of the Zodiac, he is known for bringing luck or fortune to the area of your chart he transits. He wants you to succeed and he doesn’t like when things impediments to your success. He doesn’t understand why you can’t just power through and win, like he always does. The house he inhabits in your chart represents where you might receive a little extra luck and where you tend to win. The sign he inhabits represents how you tend to expand and what motivates your expansion.

But Jupiter not only expands your luck, fortune, and growth. He also magnifies anything blocking your expansion (aka — anything preventing you from winning). The goal here is to address the thing when it arises because Jupiter will simply continue to magnify it more and more until you do. He is most expansive in his own sign, Sagittarius, which is one reflection/explanation for why many people have struggled so hard this past year.

What have you learned, over the past year, about what impedes your growth and expansion?

In many ways, the lunar cycle in Scorpio that rocked so many people last month cleared the weight that has blocked people for far too long from invitations to new forms of power. Last week’s New Moon in Sagittarius and the days since may have brought you some fresh air and visions of a very different future.

How are your ideas about yourself and your life changing?

Take some time this week to review what has arisen over the past year in terms of your own expansion and what you realize has held you back and ponder the following questions …

· What action have you taken (or has been “taken against you”) to release these blocks to your expansion?

· What do you still need to work on?

· What have you learned?

· How will it feel to release these blocks completely?

Photo by Edgar Chaparro on Unsplash

Jupiter is strongest in Sagittarius, so you may have felt the push to expand more than usual over the past year (whether through a physical move, a deepening of your spirituality, or expanding your mind through theories or philosophies). He may have highlighted what’s held you down and back. The more you held on, the more he probably pushed. Sagittarius energy likes to be right. It can be judgy and enjoys a good debate, but it’s not typically “pushy”. Nonetheless, he was preparing for today’s move into Capricorn, where he will be met by both Saturn and Pluto — two energies that can be pushy! Jupiter’s had to do some internal (maybe even external) strength training over the past year so that he can withstand the push this year could bring and come out on top.

As without, so within.

The combination of Pluto, Saturn, and Jupiter in the same sign for a whole year, while certainly EXTRA, could also make this transit and the next couple of months magical — especially if it hits your chart with positive aspects. All of these planets are intense, but they can be intensely helpful when they’re aligned. As a reminder, each planet represents a piece of your personality, a component of your Nature. They aren’t outside of you. They’re reflections of your internal world, so whether or not they align for your highest good depends on whether you’re willing to do the work necessary to align them and maintain an open collaboration between them, even when they conflict (which they will).

Maintaining alignment (whether internally or externally) relies upon knowing each energy’s strengths and allowing those strengths to mitigate one another’s limitations. Everyone has different gifts and challenges — no two people will feel this transit in the same way — though general themes will probably arise. Every energy has the capacity, when wielded well, to support the strengths of every other energy. This doesn’t mean it’s easy, only that it’s possible.

Jupiter expands, cheers you on, and makes the way a little bit easier than it might be otherwise. Saturn sets boundaries, rules limitations, and molds excellence. Pluto transforms and purges. Here’s an example of how these energies can collaborate for your highest good when they’re aligned. Jupiter shows you possibilities, demonstrates your potential, and magnifies anything interrupting your ability to fulfill your potential. Jupiter can open the closets or shine a light under your bed. Pluto will just come right along and sweep that shit RIGHT OUT so that you can see it clearly. You can only release and transform something if you’re conscious of it. Pluto facilitates the transformation and Jupiter offers you a bit more ease with it. Once you release those impediments, Saturn can help you clarify your desires and challenge you to mastery.

With Jupiter along for the ride as well, the challenges might even feel a bit more like an adventure or a game than a difficult test. Jupiter represents your authority. When Jupiter and Saturn come together, it can reflect tests to your authority. Your inner authority might come up against outer authority in some way over the next year. Don’t assume this is a bad thing. It can be an opportunity for you to prove yourself, to demonstrate that you are an authority in a certain area. You may be given opportunities to show off your expertise in new ways or spaces. If external authorities approve, you could receive new (perhaps even unexpected) kinds of blessings.

In January, Pluto and Saturn will form a perfect conjunction in Capricorn — which many probably already feel. This conjunction represents a transformation in how power is understood and in how we shape the structures that we allow to dictate and organize our personal and public lives. Collective definitions of power are shifting. Traditional politics (by which I mean how power flows and how we negotiate the flow of power individually, collectively, publicly, and personally) will be disrupted. It will become clearer than ever that the system needs to change and that changing the system means changing the people who run it and continue to shape it.

Politics (as defined above) is dynamic. Even though the systems seem solid, they are changed easily by people with different understandings and sources of power. This transit brings a changing of the guard. It will shift who is in power on a collective level and change the shape of power structures — something I’ll write about more in the days and weeks to come. What’s important to know, for now, is that a revolution is building. We are returning to the truth. We are re-occupying our bodies. We are re-occupying the Earth and, perhaps more importantly than anything else,


What is the revolution you want to bring about over the next year, decade, and beyond?

Now, make another list. This time, record what has arisen over the past week since the New Moon in Sagittarius (or perhaps even before that):

· What is the vision you have for yourself now?

· How would you like to expand intentionally over the next year and beyond? (knowing which house Capricorn inhabits in your chart could be helpful to answering this question realistically)

· How has the past year prepared you for your desires and dreams?

· What lessons and/or information (good, bad, ugly) would you like to bring with you this year as you seek a new future and, perhaps, a new way of being?

Tomorrow (Tues 12/3/2019), is the 1st Quarter Moon of the current lunar cycle that began in Sagittarius last week. Tomorrow, the moon will swim through Pisces. The 1st Quarter Moon is considered a crisis of action. You have to DO something to help manifest your intentions for the cycle and the next 6 months. In Pisces, the action you feel called to take might be more spiritual in nature. It could inspire you to reach across the aisle (whatever that means to you) and connect or re-connect with a person or institution you once criticized or often consider to be the opposition, the enemy. In Pisces, boundaries blur and Earthly identities dissolve into the Source of all that is. Spiritual growth looks different for everyone. And yet, ultimately, any act or experience that facilitates spiritual growth is one that opens your mind, body, and spirit — such as reaching out to someone you don’t want to reach out to or doing something that opposes your most staunch ideologies.

As is always the case, how Jupiter affects you will depend on how this transit hits your chart, which includes the house of your chart that Capricorn inhabits, as well as how that transit will interact with other planets and houses in your Natal Chart. Without a doubt, you have all the help you need to master something HUGE this year! With this level of helpful energy, I definitely recommend looking up your chart and/or scheduling a reading so that you can have a solid idea of how to USE and work WITH (rather than AGAINST) this energy to your greatest benefit, regardless of what you’re trying to master.

May your expansion over the next year bring you all the blessings you seek!

❤, Hilary



Hilary Booker, Ph.D.
Free Yah Mind

CEO of the Inst. for Earth-Based Living, Earth-Based Life Coach, Researcher, Thought Leader, Healer, Creative