Own your sensitivity. Give yourself the space you need to change …

Hilary Booker, Ph.D.
Free Yah Mind
Published in
2 min readOct 2, 2019

Your energy goes on forever, but your body is limited. Your connection with another person can be infinite, but relationships are bound. The energy of this month and this season is forcing us to find the balance between our purest essence and how to function practically in the world.

Perhaps paradoxically, heightened sensitivity can actually force you to be more practical, focused, and efficient. Allow yourself to own your sensitivity right now — in whatever forms you may be feeling it. Leaning into discomfort is a necessary component of personal growth. But there’s a difference between something that’s uncomfortable and something that’s intolerable.

When you put yourself in situations of extreme emotional or spiritual discomfort, integration and growth are impossible — particularly if they force you to engage in self harm or to escape with food, drugs, alcohol, shopping, or any other substance, practice, or addiction.

Today and this month, make decisions that allow you to stay on the front edge of your own personal growth without falling over it. Be clear about your intentions and make sure that the discomfort you’re choosing is truly going to allow you to grow. Not all discomfort facilitates growth. Not all discomfort facilitates the sort of growth YOU need to fulfill your destiny in the world. Don’t compare yourself to others, saying, “If they can put up with it, then I should be able to.”

You are here with your own body, spirit, purpose, and journey. What is meant for you is meant for you alone. The same is true of everyone else. I love what I do so much, because I get to help people see and own the uniqueness of their journeys and release expectations that they have to be like anyone else.

**If you’re still seeking to figure out what your purpose is and how to start fulfilling it, go to www.instituteforearthbasedliving.com/chart-reading and schedule a Natal chart session. I’ll send you a report about what I find in your chart and then we’ll have a session to discuss what resonates, to move through energy blocks, and to discern how you can use that information to facilitate change in your life. 🙏🏼❤️



Hilary Booker, Ph.D.
Free Yah Mind

CEO of the Inst. for Earth-Based Living, Earth-Based Life Coach, Researcher, Thought Leader, Healer, Creative