Stop making excuses!

And just go with the flow …

Hilary Booker, Ph.D.
Free Yah Mind
2 min readNov 5, 2019


Photo by Marco Meyer on Unsplash

We’re less than a week into Mercury’s retrograde in Scorpio, but you probably already notice some dominant themes. You probably already sense signs guiding you in a certain direction. Where are these signs pointing you? Are you resisting what’s emerging?

Mercury Retrogrades are famous for causing traffic problems and detours — including energetic detours. Maybe you feel the Universe directing you down an alternate path. By the end of this Retrograde, you may find yourself on a different road than the one you were traveling when it began.

When the detour appears for your higher good, are you willing to flow in the path of least resistance? Are you willing to take the turn the Universe is presenting? Or are you sitting at the intersection pissed off that you can’t take the road you “need to take”? Are you yelling at the flagger? Are you flailing about with a sense of self-importance? Are you afraid that you’re going to be “late”?

When you get to an intersection, you can waste energy on the way that’s closed, or you can take the way that’s open. We create momentum towards our dreams by continuously flowing. It can be like a video game. Sometimes you have to take a detour to gather the food or tools you’ll need to get where you’re going. Ultimately, going with the flow gets you to where you’re meant to be faster than fighting your own limited sense of direction.

What is getting in the way of your ability to be pulled back into the flow and live a life of ease? Memories from the past? A lack of faith? The fact that it “didn’t work last time”? A floundering sense of self worth? Stop making excuses! Release your blocks to the flow and follow the roads that are open for you NOW to reach your desires AND your destiny! Ase!



Hilary Booker, Ph.D.
Free Yah Mind

CEO of the Inst. for Earth-Based Living, Earth-Based Life Coach, Researcher, Thought Leader, Healer, Creative