Surrender to Your Highest Purpose: Reflections on the Full Moon in Scorpio

Hilary Booker, Ph.D.
Free Yah Mind
Published in
6 min readMay 18, 2019

Today (Saturday May 18th), the Moon will reach her culmination in the sign of Scorpio. Scorpio tells the truth — even if it hurts. Scorpio is not into any kind of superficial healing or waiting around until it’s ready or wasting time to stay with what’s comfortable. It doesn’t simply sooth symptoms. Scorpio gets to the root of the thing and heals it deeply, all the way — even when it stings. Scorpio penetrates — even when it’s painful. Scorpio is the energy of raw power — not the power that society gives you, the power you hold innately. Scorpio is the energy of speaking truth to power.

Fellow water sign, Cancer, has quite a bit of energy during this lunation, so expect extra bits of love, care, protection, and nurturing to arise — but be open to what this looks like. With such a strong Scorpionic influence, the caring nurturing thing might manifest differently than your traditional expectations. With the North Node in Cancer, women, maternity (however you might define it), and feminine energy are gaining power and traction. With Juno in Cancer, commitment to these themes is strengthened at this time. This aligns with current discussions around women’s rights, women’s bodies, how motherhood is defined, and abortion. The South Node acts like a drain. It’s the place where energy and power are being lost.

Capricornian energy has many beautiful components, which I’ve explored in previous posts. Capricorn rules “traditional morality”, the Patriarchy, the government, traditional governance systems of all kinds (including religious political systems and university/education systems). Where Scorpio is the sign of raw power, Capricorn is the sign of control (these signs are complementary). In its unhealthy iterations, when Capricornian energy feels like it’s losing control, it reacts by trying to control more — usually trying to control things outside of it. In a government system, this can look like creating more controlling laws, tightening law enforcement, increasing surveillance, and generally being more oppressive.

While these events can be and are traumatizing to many, their appearance in what feels like such a sweeping way is an indicator that they know they are losing power. Alternatively, when those “in power” feel like they’re losing power, it is up to the people to know their own power, lest the fear that’s produced create dictatorships, rather than breakthroughs that support the power of the people. What we’re seeing politically in the U.S. right now are reactionary last-ditch efforts to try to control people and energies that can’t be controlled because they have their own raw and natural power. And no energy can illuminate this more than Scorpio.

The South Node draining the negative aspects of Capricornian energy is also conjunct Pluto — who is positively energizing this moon, of which he’s also the ruler. Pluto is transforming Capricornian energy in a deep way that, as I’ve mentioned previously, will leave it almost unrecognizable by the time he’s finished with it. Such is the nature of Scorpio and Pluto — rendering unrecognizable. These are the energies of death and rebirth. In modern Western culture, especially, we tend to think of death as a one-time event in a lifetime. Scorpio and Pluto, alternatively, understand that death and rebirth can happen many times in a single lifetime. And sometimes, there are rebirths within a lifetime that feel more intense than the death that takes our bodies from us.

You can be rendered unrecognizable — and you must be moving forward. This full moon is asking you to push through what feels uncomfortable and become a completely different person than you’ve ever been before so you can live out your highest purpose. While the Capricornian response to pushing through is to grasp and be more oppressive, Scorpio reminds us of the power in surrendering. Scorpio is going to penetrate you, no matter what. So, you might as well relax because it will be a lot less painful that way. It’s like getting an adjustment at the chiropractor — if you’re tense, your spine can’t move and you’ll remain out of alignment. If you relax, your spine can realign with ease. It’s not only painless — it feels good. Pluto in Capricorn (the sign that represents the spine) in a beautiful sextile to the full moon in Scorpio is about surrendering so that you can find alignment. With the Nodes of the Moon involved, this alignment is necessary to fulfill your destiny. These aspects are all very positive. Scorpio often comes with discomfort, but always brings catharsis.

Speaking of discomfort — Uranus is still in Taurus, the sign opposite of Scorpio and this full moon. During this full moon, Venus in her home sign of Taurus conjoins Uranus. Venus and Uranus are not necessarily compatible naturally. Venus seeks connection and Uranus likes to break shit. Nonetheless, when they’re aligned, it can mean innovative and innovating relationships and relationship containers. It can mean (especially in Taurus) bringing value to or being valued for your visions for the future. Perhaps you see the value in the ways you innovate. It can mean new and innovative ways of tending to our relationship with the Earth.

Uranus in Taurus, generally, can mean breaking through what prevents you from seeing your own value — the value of your mind, your body, your spirit, and your time. Uranus’ breakthroughs can sometimes come in the form of breakdowns. Uranus can be a bit explosive and disruptive. But conjunct Venus in Taurus, breakthroughs can come in the form of beauty, love, or a beautiful and/or loving interaction. It can be grounded, Earthy, sensual, and unexpected. Just as the most caring and nurturing thing might come through discomfort today, the breakthrough could come through connection, vulnerability, and intimacy. Keep your eyes open. Pay attention. Allow yourself to see the world — and yourself — differently than you ever have before.

Despite some potential discomfort, the only aspect challenging this full moon is an opposition to Mercury. Your power (or lack thereof) is in your mind. You may have a hard time remembering that under the influence of this moon. Remember anyway. Each human is a unique combination of energies. Each human mind has a unique contribution to make to the whole. You can overcome the challenge of this opposition by connecting with your own unique mind. Scorpio is a highly intuitive sign which often brings messages — especially psychic/spiritual messages. Allow yourself the time, space, and solitude to go as deeply within yourself as you possibly can at this moment and discern what’s meant for you and what isn’t.

When the Sun is in Taurus, it highlights your sense of self-worth. Perhaps your self-worth has been suffering in some way lately. If so, the gift is admitting it to yourself andto others. You are allowed to be vulnerable, and this moon will give you opportunities to be more vulnerable than you normally are. Under the influence of these energies, your power is in your vulnerability. This moon will acquaint you with other people with whom you can be vulnerable because it wants you to share and receive healing through vulnerability. The things you’re most afraid to share? Do it now with people who your intuition says you can trust. Your intuition is always right — especially now.

All of the sharing you do — whether it’s with yourself or others — will allow you to experience the release you need to let go of the past and move quickly towards what is now calling you. This moon will definitely allow you to let go — that can be the painful or uncomfortable part, but right now the balm for the discomfort is vulnerability. There’s power in your vulnerability. Find the people who can see and honor that. Surrender. Give in. Let go. If you have the opportunity to safely release sexually during this time — with yourself or another — it can be a very powerful experience that I highly recommend. Everything you’re called to release this weekend and over the next two weeks will allow you to give and receive love in its many forms unmatched by anything you’ve ever experienced before.

Surrender. Give in. Scorpio comes for you whether you want it to or not, so just relax and allow the healing to happen. Find pleasure. Release in every way you know how. Be vulnerable. Allow your emotions and tears to flow. Share with those who have the power to hold space for you. Break through your fear. Find your power. And then … go out and be someone you’ve never been before. Render yourself unrecognizable because it’s time to step into your mission.

Asé, beloveds.

**If you want to know more about how the lunar cycles affect your chart, email me at and schedule a lunar cycle reading or intuitive restoration session.**



Hilary Booker, Ph.D.
Free Yah Mind

CEO of the Inst. for Earth-Based Living, Earth-Based Life Coach, Researcher, Thought Leader, Healer, Creative