The Beginning of the End: A Reflection on the New Moon in Pisces

Hilary Booker, Ph.D.
Free Yah Mind
Published in
6 min readMar 5, 2019

This is a time of beginnings and endings — a liminal space. Chiron (the Wounded Healer) recently left Pisces and entered Aries, where he still sits at 0 degrees. The day before the New Moon, Mercury stations retrograde at 29 degrees of Pisces. The day of the New Moon, Uranus leaves Aries and enters Taurus. The moon now birthing herself will reach her fullness at 0 degrees of Libra the same day as the Spring Equinox. The following cycle, in a rare event, will ALSO have a full moon in Libra at 29 degrees. At the time of the new moon, Pisces will be inhabited by the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Neptune and Vesta. Pisces is the last sign of the Zodiac. Beginnings. Endings. Moving in. Moving out. It’s kind of like EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) … if you move back and forth enough while moving through your life and your spirit, the neurons will get kicked out of their traditional pathways and forced to forge new ones. Right now, you’re getting kicked out of the person you’ve been and you’re being forced to become a new one.

You are forming new habits. You’re becoming a new person at the cellular level. Things that, in the past, you’ve felt might not be good for you now don’t serve you at a physical and biological level. They’re no longer an option. Things that once scared you now invigorate you. Initiatory degrees. Terminal degrees. The New Moon, though … occurs at 15 degrees of Pisces. 15 degrees … the perfect midpoint of a sign, he heart of a sign. She’ll rebirth conjunct Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, in the heart of Pisces.

No sign has a heart like Pisces. This new moon and this lunar cycle are all about your heart, healing your heart, making your heart whole again. How strong is yours and how prepared are you to follow it when the opportunity arises? Perhaps you find yourself at a crossroads — at the intersection between what you think you “should” do (based on your past, your identity, your education, what you think is appropriate, etc) and what you actually wantto do, what you feel called to in your heart — insanely, irrationally, inexplicably.

Mercury stations retrograde the day before the new moon at 29 degrees of Pisces and stations direct at 15 degrees of Pisces conjunct Neptune (the same degree of the new moon). This cycle is about returning to your heart over and over again. This retrograde could feel a little brutal if you’re the sort of person who doesn’t like to cry. Alternatively, it could feel immensely cathartic of you’re in the market for some deep release. This cycle is like bumper bowling for your heart’s calling. You might veer off in the wrong direction but this Piscean energy will keep bumping you back to the heart, to YOUR heart, again and again. As a result, you’ll encounter fear, past pain and trauma, memories of your own mistakes and transgressions. You can try to turn away or run away, but you can’t run away from your calling. You can only heal so that you can go out and do it for real.

Pisces is the sign of deep healing, forgiveness, grace, forgetting. Pisces can forgive anything. This cycle might call you to forgive anything — whether you’re forgiving yourself or others. Most likely, you’ll be forced to do both. It might feel uncomfortable, but ultimately — most likely — the washing away of spiritual toxicity that’s been stuck for way too long will offer you a new lease on life. It’s time to let go — ready or not. Take care of yourself during this cycle, you’ll be doing a lot of spiritual and emotional heavy lifting. And just like any workout, it feels good, but it could make you tired. You are in the process of being restored, but this practice might not feel restorative until the end.

The practical aspects of your destiny — where you’re supposed to be and what you’re supposed to do — will, most likely, feel challenged by your energetic destiny — who you have to be to do that work. Calibrations of spirit aren’t linear. The North Node is in Cancer but it’s being challenged by Uranus and Pluto. You will need the energy of Uranus and Pluto to forge the practical aspects of your destiny this month. Pluto digs, pushes, penetrates. Pluto is relentless. Pluto interrogates and needs to get to the bottom of the situation. Uranus innovates, disrupts, shakes everything up. Uranus can test the integrity of everything — especially systems, structures and networks. This week, with Uranus shifting signs and Mercury stationing retrograde (in Pisces — a sign that has little respect or use for systems and structures), expect your systems, structures and networks to be tested. Perhaps you will realize that things you thought were solid can be brought to the ground much more easily than you thought.

Uranus moves forward, no matter what. He is for innovation — technologically AND socially. In Uranus’ opinion, comfort and stability are the enemies of growth and evolution. He will take away your comfort and stability and laugh while doing it. Under the influence of Pisces, Neptune and Uranus, the cycle could feel like constantly going back and forth between dissolving and disrupting, dissolving and disrupting. And in fact, the dissolving could feel disruptive and the disruption could prepare for things to be washed away. The real route to success over the next month is leaning into the discomfort, no matter what. Lean into your vulnerability. Be open to real intimacy. Receive the vulnerability and honesty of others. Have courage in the disruption and have the courage to be disruptive. Very little has the capacity to be as disruptive as real intimacy.

Amidst the chaos, Saturn is in a positive relationship with the Moon. So, amidst all the instability, you can still find some grounding. The key here is understanding that stability doesn’t come from your external reality, but your internal reality. Real stability has nothing to do with controlling external circumstances. Real stability comes from self-control, from mastering your emotions, from being resilient to external impacts. And this beneficial combination of Neptunian and Saturnian energy is well-suited to help you achieve a beautiful internal grounding through your emotions, not despite them. Your emotions are the means through which you will find stability, not a block to it.

You are given a great opportunity at this time to move into a new direction — although with Mercury in retrograde, it could also be an old new direction. Perhaps something you let go of and didn’t think would or could happen will return to your experience. Perhaps its return is because you’re meant to proceed toward it in a new and different way. Perhaps it’s returning to teach you a few final things so that you can truly move forward into a totally new direction. Whatever wants to come, let it come. Whatever needs to go, allow it to go. Expect the unexpected. Lean into the discomfort. Move with ease. Everything is happening in divine timing. You are coming home to a deep part of yourself that refuses to let you go, that’s beyond your Earthly experience. Forgive, find grace, engage in creative practice and let the process unfold.

New Moon Blessings,


***If you’re looking for guidance about how to release old habits, relationships and ways of being and how to usher in the new, schedule an Intuitive Restoration Session at: or email me at



Hilary Booker, Ph.D.
Free Yah Mind

CEO of the Inst. for Earth-Based Living, Earth-Based Life Coach, Researcher, Thought Leader, Healer, Creative