Too Much for a Title:

A Reflection on the Full Moon in Gemini — December 2019

Hilary Booker, Ph.D.
Free Yah Mind
6 min readDec 12, 2019


Photo by Mark Zamora on Unsplash

There’s nothing like a little nervous energy to fuel your fire.

This week’s full moon in Gemini rules the nervous system and could bring you a bit more nervous energy than you prefer. Every Full Moon illuminates an entire axis — two complementary energies, two energies that take opposite approaches to a single purpose.

This full moon is lighting up the axis between Gemini and Sagittarius. While Gemini rules the nervous system, Sagittarius rules the hips, so the antidote to the nervous energy you may be feeling is anything that allows you to move or open your hips, such as dancing, martial arts, sex, yoga or any combination of these activities. Hip-opening activities inherently calm your nervous system, and often open your heart as well — which is important as we move into eclipse season in a couple of weeks. Gemini is ruled by Mercury, who rules the mind, so you may find that your mind is a bit more active than usual (which is also part of what contributes to the nervousness). This lunation is a damper, though not a dimmer — plenty of electromagnetic energy flying around right now.

You may feel a deep transformation to your sense of worth during this time. And it might not all be coming with champagne, cash and roses, mmmkaaaay??? But everything that’s happening right now is forcing you to the next level. I mean — it’s really up to you, but if you’re getting clear signs that it’s time to bring an end to unhealthy or unhelpful habits and/or begin something new, I would recommend taking them. The good news is that you’re not alone. You have some help from Saturn who will provide you with the structures you need to make whatever transition you need to make right now. And given his own position, he’s feeling a little more vulnerable than usual, which brings him a bit more humility than he would have typically.

Photo by Anda Deea on Unsplash

The energy is ripe under this moon to encounter soul mates and twin flames. These aren’t just any kind of people, random partners, fun lovers — NO! These are the sorts of people who will move you in some uncomfortable ways. Most likely, you’re both undergoing some form of deep transformation right now. You have what each other needs, but it will come at a cost to both of you. The greatest cost, of course, is a level of exposure that neither of you have experienced before (regardless of how many other relationships you’ve had or how long or deep they may have seemed). These are new levels, new kinds of relationships here to bring the healing necessary for you to change the world individually and collectively by raising planetary consciousness.

I mean, no big deal, right?

So, if you’ve been trying to call in a partner, the time could be now. But if it is now, even though all of your previous experiences have brought you to today, none of them could possibly have prepared you for the partnerships that are blooming under this moon. Good luck. Have fun. Expect to get hurt — not because of the other person, but because these kinds of partnerships expose any residual hurt you may be carrying around from last week, last year, previous relationships, your childhood, or a couple of lifetimes ago. There’s a thin line between love and hate, but when two people are irresistible to each other, they’re forced to do the work.

Are we having fun yet??

Nonetheless …

All of this is part of the challenge that’s forcing you to up-level your sense of self-worth. There may be a sense of, like, “How the fuck am I going to get everything done and/or afford what I’m being called to right now?” Gemini doesn’t represent solutions, but it does represent receiving all of the information necessary in order to come to solid conclusions. Take notes. Write that shit down!

There’s a tension to this moon. It’s not comfortable and you’re likely to feel it in your body, mind and spirit. But every pain and tension in the body is data.

What are the data your body is sending you right now?

Photo by Danielle Rangel on Unsplash

It’s best to stay away from mind-altering substances under the influence of this moon (at least until the weekend) so that you can collect the data. When you numb yourself from anxiety, tension and nervous energy, you lose the data you need to get to the root of what’s causing it in the first place. You’ll need that data for the next lunar cycle when eclipse season will be upon us asking for the data we collected and helping us analyze it. You’ll be expected to show that you did your homework next cycle, and I don’t want to sound harsh, but don’t fuck it up. The consequences for how you show up for the next lunar cycle will either position you to repeat the bullshit of 2019 (however that’s looked for you, personally) or set you up for an entirely different life beyond your wildest dreams. The latter doesn’t mean there won’t be challenges, just that they’ll pale in comparison to what overcoming them can allow you to manifest.

So, collect the data and try to avoid confirmation bias — the tendency to collect or over-emphasize data that confirms your beliefs, expectations and/or hypotheses. In researching your own experience, body and psyche, this can look like lying, skimming over facts and trying to ignore the truth. If you open the closet, some skeletons will still fall out — even if you’re like, there is NOTHING LEFT following Scorpio Season! (*scream face*) When the skeletons fall out, don’t try to shove them back in. Pull that shit out, man. Dust them off. POLISH them, for god’s sake. Set them upright, because they’re going to serve you in ways you can’t imagine now. You just have to trust me on this one.

Gemini is a sign of duality. There’s no gray. You have to choose between two options. It’s black and white. You can be afraid of your demons or you can make friends with them. The demons you befriend become your angels and the angels you ignore or forget about because they’re always there become your demons. There are no such things as demons and angels, anyway. It’s all a matter of how you relate with different spirits — most of all, the spirits inside of you. But Gemini rules communication of all kinds — including divination. So, make sure you feed your ancestors and guides during this time as well. They’re there to support you, even when things feel hard. They’ve gotten you to where you are and they’re here to help you get to where you’re supposed to go. My Grammy’s birthday was this week. She would always say, “Listen to your motha” and “Listen to your grandmotha” in her thick Boston accent. I’ve heard her saying that a lot over the past few days — and, the chances are pretty good that if you’re reading this article, you’ve had those kinds of experiences lately too.

The ancestors are rising so that we can ascend and birth a new Earth. We’re in apocalypse, but that word doesn’t mean “end times,” it means revelation. And this is a time of deep and intense revelation — individually and collectively. I say all this not to scare you, but the opposite — to let you know that you’re not alone, you’re not the only one going through whatever you’re enduring right now. People talk about spiritual warfare on the regular, but the real spiritual war is the one inside, not the outside. War brings people together, and the energies of this collective internal war are forcing us to partner with the allied energies in people we might have considered to be our enemies previously. Thus is the duality of Gemini. Do you understand that? That means that the people who you think are your enemies are the only ones who can truly save you.

Welcome to the new world! Go make some new friends! I guess Jesus was right, after all. :-)

Full Moon Blessings, Beloveds. The Truth will set you free, but not until it’s done with you. ❤



Hilary Booker, Ph.D.
Free Yah Mind

CEO of the Inst. for Earth-Based Living, Earth-Based Life Coach, Researcher, Thought Leader, Healer, Creative