Vibration isn’t a metaphor

Just ask your heart …

Hilary Booker, Ph.D.
Free Yah Mind
2 min readNov 23, 2019


Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

Your heart has an electromagnetic field greater than any other organ in your body (including your brain). As a result, it impacts your nervous system profoundly because it is the rhythm and vibration that seeks balance.

Therefore, “vibration” isn’t a metaphor.

Vibration is more than some new-age metaphysical bullshit that some hippies came up with while taking LSD. It’s applied physics and it’s ruled traditional healing and spiritual systems globally for a few thousand years.

You connect through the heart — literally. You connect by opening your heart space, expanding it beyond yourself and towards another (person, plant, animal, or mineral) while allowing the other’s vibration and electromagnetic field to enter into your own. This process can’t be forced. I takes time, space, and patience.

If you want to know someone, you must do more than talk with them. If you want to know a place, you must do more than read about it or listen to other people’s stories. If you want to learn about plants, you must do more than break them apart and study their constituents.

Knowing is an act of being. It requires letting go of whatever you “think” you “know” in your head and opening up to the vibration of everything around you. But in order to do that, you must also open up and tap into your own vibration.

How are you aligning your vibration today?



Hilary Booker, Ph.D.
Free Yah Mind

CEO of the Inst. for Earth-Based Living, Earth-Based Life Coach, Researcher, Thought Leader, Healer, Creative