You are the embodiment of divine energy

Start acting like it …

Hilary Booker, Ph.D.
Free Yah Mind
2 min readNov 12, 2019


📸 by Derick McKinney on Unsplash

You are worth more than you can imagine. You are the embodiment of divine energy. You are solar energy radiating out into the world. You have more energy in your being than your mind can conceive. And yet — your mind is the most powerful machine you’ll ever own.

You must care for your mind. You care for your mind in the same way that you care for your body — with the proper nutrition for you, by moving your body, by fasting in various forms, through meditation and rest, and through mental strength training. Your mind is the one thing you have control over. And yet, your mind affects your internal and external reality.

But your mind is here to serve your spirit, your soul. The mind is not the same as the ego, but the ego is an important part of the mind — another servant to the spirit. You are not the things you’ve done — whether you consider them to be good or bad. You are neither your mistakes nor your achievements.

You are the embodiment of divinity.

You are priceless.

How would your life be different if you believed the truth?

Let go of an old mind that wants to control or oppress you and invite the new mind that’s here to serve your infinite delicious spirit.


Happy Full Moon in Taurus! 🙏🏼💜💛💚



Hilary Booker, Ph.D.
Free Yah Mind

CEO of the Inst. for Earth-Based Living, Earth-Based Life Coach, Researcher, Thought Leader, Healer, Creative