
Free Your Mind
Published in
3 min readAug 8, 2014


“Turn your wounds into wisdom.” ―Oprah Winfrey

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There are lessons in your pain. One of my favorite quotes on this topic is by the late Reggie White, former defensive lineman for the Green Bay Packers: “God places the heaviest burden on those who can carry its weight.” Pain is an inevitable part of being human. It also influences a lot of the things that we do and how we feel at any given moment. Our natural human experiences and processes can provide so much knowledge if we are willing to just listen.

I believe there are two sides to every idea, no matter what. Positive vs. negative thoughts can influence us in opposite ways when considering the same idea. Most people look at pain in a negative way. This leads to feelings of depression and melancholy. Not a very good outlook. I choose to look at my pain in a positive way. Pain doesn’t manifest unless I am able to carry its weight. Our pain influences what we do and who we become during our lives. We have so many great examples that demonstrate this idea:

To become truly great, one must disregard the victim mentality. You must take responsibility for the things that cause you pain, and identify remedies for each. This may sound simple, but there are many different types of pain; emotional pain, physical pain, spiritual pain. Finding remedies for these different types is difficult; I understand this from experience. Serious introspection and meditation can give us a clearer idea of who we are, and why we do the things we do. In most cases, our passions are closely aligned to some sort of pain we experience or have in the past. It is amazing to consider the fact that we develop interests and skills in areas that have been affected in some way for our pain. Our subconscious understands what our pain is on a fundamental level. We somehow attract things into our lives that we know will help us continue on our life’s journey.

How/why do we feel pain? We are not the only beings on this planet that feel pain. It is obvious from a physical standpoint, as it helps maintain our bodies and protect us. Is the same not true for our emotional or spiritual pain? In my view, our pain is what develops our passions. Acting on these passions and overcoming fear is what can relieve our pain. This is the process of liberation.

Isn’t that the goal of life; Liberation for yourself and those you love? I challenge you to filter through life’s noise and find the essence of the pain you endure. Understanding what these things are can give us insight into the direction our life is meant to take.

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Free Your Mind

Presenting Simple Ideas in An Overly Complex World