The Significance of Being A Freebird

“The only source of knowledge is experience” — Albert Einstein

Rithika Baruah
Published in
2 min readApr 4, 2020


The word education is derived from the Latin word “educare” which means ‘bring up’ and “educere” which means ‘bring forth’. Hence, education is the process of discovering yourself and growing through the acquisition of new knowledge, development of attitudes, values and skills, and learning to express.

The growth of body, mind and spirit happens throughout life and a life-long learner always remains a happy soul. Because happiness is nothing but freedom. Freedom to explore. Freedom to grow. Freedom to collaborate. Freedom to nurture. Freedom to express.

At some point in time, all of us have engaged in a chit-chat, discussion or even argument about what our education has and has not given us. Brought up and groomed in the same system, we know that most things we were not able to learn or explore were not because of any limitation in our capabilities but simply because of the ignorance of possibilities. Our learning has been based mostly based on imbibing rather than experiencing, doing rather than being, executing rather than creating.

On top of that, there is immense pressure in our lives today to deliver on the standards being set and transformed day in and out by our societies, schools, corporate jobs, goals and responsibilities.

In such an environment, Freebirds is intended to be a breath of fresh air.

It is a community of individuals and organizations willing to experience learning through a unique lens. We help individuals explore their curious and creative elements by exploring themselves and the world through a unique lens of learning and unlearning for self-discovery and growth. Our community hosts are responsible and creative entrepreneurs who are curating and designing unique experiences meant to help everyone rise higher not just as professionals but as individual human beings. And yes, before it’s too late.

Depends on who is willing. Are you willing?

