14+ Best Online Jobs for College Students

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5 min readNov 22, 2018
14+ Best Online Jobs for College Students

When people are becoming work oriented day by day, how can we ignore the fact that jobs these days are becoming important for their survival. To work and to earn, people need jobs and not all get jobs whenever they want. Suppose you are seventeen and want to earn extra cash then you can’t just go to a company with your CV and ask for a job when you haven’t completed your education.

At this time, the online jobs become your knight in shining armor.

People specially children these days want to live their lives at their own terms and the foremost step to do that is to earn and online jobs help such children to make their dream come true.

Doing part time online jobs able you to meet financial needs.

With a wide range in the market and ample of jobs coming in our way, we are here to provide with some of the best jobs you can do easily without having any skilled learning.

The best thing about online jobs is that you don’t have to go anywhere from home and you can work in flexible hours. Here are some online jobs:

1. Advertising Jobs

Can you imagine having a job which can pay you just to see an advertisement? That’s right. You read it correctly. There are many sites which are willing to pay you for watching advertisements. All you need is a laptop or computer with an internet connection and a Gmail account. You can work there without affecting your studies and easily earn money.

2. Product Adviser

Another interesting job for you guys is of getting paid for surveying. That’s right. All you need is to give feedbacks and suggestions to the companies which seek for it. Like there are many companies in India who before launching their products want to take suggestions and ideas for refining their service and while helping them, you can earn a good amount.

3. Online Contest

There are many people who love to earn money and at the same time do not want to loose their contact with their education so just like Kaun Banega Crorepati where people with their knowledge earns money, you can earn money by tutoring people online. This way, you can sharpen your learning and earn money.

4. Blogging

Being a blogger can also provide you with a good amount of money if and only if you have something interesting and engaging. You can easily create a website of your own and share your stuff or experiences their and the more the people visit, the more you can earn. All you need is a domain name, a web hosting and wordpress themes.

5. Content Writer

You can earn the same way i m earning. That is by being a content writer. If you loves to pen down your thoughts then this is one of the most easiest and interesting job for you guys. You just need to spend 1 to 2 hour daily and earn money per article you write in a day.

6. Freelancer

Ever heard of freelancer? If yes, then you know where i m heading with my article. In this modern world, most companies are looking for freelancers who could work for them on their projects and they will pay you when they find your work satisfying. Just visit some online freelancing sites such as freelancer, O-desk and much more.

7. Social Media Manager

If you love spending time on social media or if you follow someone’s social media constantly then you can earn money by doing the same for some company. All you need is to do manage a company’s social media accounts which in itself is fun thing to do to make money. You can work on a flexible schedule. Its a great way to remain in contact with the things you love. You can post you resume on random job boards or can contact company directly.

8. Recorder

If you are a person who keeps constant records and entry of what you did and what not then, you can do that exact thing for some one or for some company. They might not pay you much but this is a job where you don’t require a ton of skills or experience. All you need is a computer and internet connection.

9. Presentation Maker

With new learning and presenting techniques, i m sure you all must have made a power point presentation or have seen one. But you know, you can earn money from it as well. Yes. All you have to do is make a power point presentation for the company that hires you and turn that skill into a moneymaker. Businessmen usually don’t have time to create presentations for their events. So you can do that for them and earn.

10. Transcriptionist

People these days spend their whole day while chatting. They constantly type and type which our parents find a bit irritating. Well, you can use your typing speed into something productive. Be a transcriptionist. This job requires no prior experience and even offers flexible hours. You just need to listen to an audio and type what you hear. All you need is to be attentive.

Are you fond of reading books? If yes, then this is a job for you. You can be paid for reading E-books. Register a free account and read novels, fiction stories etc everyday and make money. Work in you spare time and earn up-to Rs. 2000 every month.

11. Sell your clicks

This may sound little weird but you can earn money by selling your photos online on various sites like shutterstock, fotolia and more. If you love photography then you can work 1–2 hours daily and click the world around you and make money by uploading those pictures.

12. YouTuber

I have seen people earning from making youtube videos. One or another person is good at something. Like i love to bake cakes and my friend loves to do makeup. She is channeling her own youtube channel right now and earning a good amount. The same way, you can make your own youtube channel and earn money.

13. Online seller

If you have some real stuff to sell then, you can earn money by selling things online. It could be anything like your old furniture or any painting. You can do these jobs as part time and fix your own price.

14. Consultant

You can become a consultant if you can provide people with some professional advices. If you think you are good at handling things and you are an expert in that field then, help people and earn money.


I really hope that you find this article helpful and interesting at the same time. There is no easy money. You all need to work hard and in a genuine way. Everything pen down in here is written with great research from our side. We tried to bring out the best and the most information for you all. Hope you liked it and find our work useful.


Originally published at freebusinessideas.net on November 22, 2018.



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