J. Kelsey
Published in
7 min readFeb 27, 2022


Guess who’s back?!

We took a little break from our Freeos Trivia Tuesday to highlight our Open Alpha NFT Auction system.

Later, we took a break from our Open Alpha NFT auction system to update it to work with FREEOS tokens (and also to make it more mobile-friendly).

But now we are happy to announce they are both back! There are a few tweaks that you need to be aware of.

Freeos Trivia Tuesdays

Typically you have questions and we have answers…now WE have questions and YOU have answers! We will run a scheduled event that runs every Tuesday UTC 0:00 and another at Tuesday UTC 20:00. Members of our Telegram channels will have the opportunity to answer Trivia questions each week and the correct answer will be rewarded with FREEOS tokens.

To participate: simply jump into our Freeos Community channel in Telegram. Link is here:https://t.me/joinchat/Q7lxwRnXPAMzNGMx

HINT #1: If you’re keen to catch the notification when it happens, our Freeos Announcements channel might give you a slight edge. Link is here: https://t.me/joinchat/Ve2EgER4M3N0BAug

We may occasionally run random, occasional impromptu Trivia events, so feel free to keep an eye on the channel.

HINT #2: Trivia questions often come from our most recent Medium articles, so please subscribe and keep up-to-date with all of the latest news about Freeos. We plan to have many upcoming announcements, and the details of the Freeos Economic System is full of nuanced details and factoids. Also — click through some of the links in the Medium articles as some answers to the Trivia questions may come here, as well.

Open Beta NFT Auctions

In January we announced the Open Alpha NFT Auctions. After quite a bit of activity, we’ve now upgraded to the Open Beta NFT Auctions and are running it in FREEOS, not FOOBAR. We know the Dfinity Internet Computer addresses are a bit long, so we’ve tidied up the auction address: https://auction.freeos.io . Be sure to bookmark the new link!

The new auction will include rarities like Satoshi Nakamoto, and Sojourner Truth. Get your FREEOS ready.


Champions of Freedom Auctions

So, for any of our community members who are looking for a new way to obtain our environmentally-friendly Champions of Freedom NFTs — including some of our most rare ones — let me introduce our Champions of Freedom Auction that we’re testing in Open Beta.

Every day our new auction system — located in our Dfinity Internet Computer hosted website — delivers 3 chances to bid for an NFT using the freely available FREEOS tokens on the Proton blockchain that can be obtained weekly during the Freeos AirClaim.

The Bidding Phase for this auction cycle runs for 6 hours, with a 2 hour Cooldown Gap at the end — where the individual holding the winning bid can claim their NFT.

Auction Cycle has 3 opportunities every day

The system runs through a huge list of NFTs — including some of the rarest Champions of Freedom NFTs.

The minimum for a bid is 50 FREEOS tokens, and the minimum for a counterbid is +10 FREEOS tokens. Since the Freeos AirClaim gives hundreds of FREEOS tokens per week, it allows individuals to try their luck at getting these NFTs. All NFTs won are yours to keep!

And, of course, these NFTs can be sold for XUSDC on the NFT Marketplaces: Protonmarket.com and Protonmint.com

Before you Begin

This auction system is in an “Beta State” of development. The interface is not final, and there are many features yet to be added for what we intend for the final form (like updating your bid, and extending the auction bidding time).

Consider this a proof of concept that is being battle-tested by the community (with any NFTs won for you to keep!)

How to Use

The auction is hosted on the Dfinity Internet Computer but we’ve re-directed the URL to be https://auction.freeos.io

We recommend downloading the WebAuth wallet if you haven’t already: LINK HERE.

Once you have your WebAuth (Proton) wallet, click on the “Proton Login” in the upper right corner of the webpage.

Login to the website using your WebAuth wallet

We recommend choosing “Mobile”

Sign in with “Proton Wallet”

If you’re on a desktop, Scan your QR code with your mobile WebAuth wallet. If you’re on a mobile device, click on “Open Wallet”.

You’ll need some FREEOS to start if you don’t have any already.

On the upper navigation bar, we’ve included a handy link to places where FREEOS can be earned weekly, or bought.

Handy link to places to obtain FREEOS tokens

If you are keen to earn FREEOS (and you aren’t already!) then sign up for the Freeos AirClaim at https://app.freeos.io/ where you can claim Points, and use these Points to mint your own FREEOS tokens. Just be prepared that you might have to put up some collateral to stake — at least until Proton’s KYC is available. For more on staking requirements read our handy staking guide here.

After obtaining FREEOS, Return back to https://auction.freeos.io

Enter 50 FREEOS as your “Credit Transfer” and press “Deposit”. You will need to sign the transaction with your WebAuth wallet.

Credit any FREEOS you wish to bid with. The minimum bid is 50 FREEOS, however.

Shortly, you should see your “Available Credit” update.

This is the credit you can use for bidding

You can only bid using FREEOS that you’ve used to Deposit.

Any FREEOS that is remaining — including FREEOS spent on bids that you’ve lost — can be withdrawn. You will need to wait for an auction to finish before withdrawing any FREEOS that has been locked up in the bidding process however.

Now that you have some FREEOS, you can put in a bid.

All bids start at 50 FREEOS, and the system requires each counterbid to be at least +10 FREEOS.

You can only bid when there is a current auction. You won’t be able to bid during the Cooldown phase.

No bidding during the Cooldown phase.

To bid, make sure you are in a valid bidding cycle and make sure any counterbid is in an increment of 10 FREEOS.

Then press the blue “Bid” button and sign the transaction with your WebAuth wallet.

Once an auction has ended and a winner has been determined, this winner will be shown a “claim” button to claim their NFT.

Conversely, any new user who starts the next auction will cause the system to automatically transfer the previous winning bid to the winning bidder.


Although anyone can earn and mint hundreds of FREEOS per week with the AirClaim, how can anyone gain an advantage for a particular NFT they really desire?

Either they can save up, and hope they have enough when the right NFT comes along, or they can buy some more FREEOS.

The place to buy FREEOS, currently (we’ll update this article when there are more places to purchase) is on the Alcor Exchange linked here: https://proton.alcor.exchange/markets

And if you’re wondering how to get any tokens (i.e. XPR, XETH, XBTC) to purchase FREEOS, you can try bringing your assets over to the Proton blockchain using the handy guide here.

Protonswap has a great bridge to bring other blockchain assets over

Since Proton is a very fast, and fee-free blockchain, often the most quick and cheapest way to bring assets over is to purchase the Proton native XPR token on exchanges like KuCoin or HitBTC and transfer it to your account.

The other way to earn FREEOS, is to join the weekly Freeos Trivia Tuesdays. Become a Freeos guru by reading up on the Medium articles and get your typing fingers ready. The competition can be quite fast and fierce at times.

For understand more, please check our webpage for more info, or join us in our Discord and Telegram communities where you may ask more questions about how Freeos, and the FreeDAO Foundation operates.

