From Zirtual Assistant to business owner in 3 days: René Lovecraft’s Freedom Creator story

Freedom Creators
Published in
2 min readDec 13, 2016

We’re excited to introduce René Lovecraft as our latest Freedom Creator. With more than seven years of admin experience across industries, René has a passion for organization, making sure all the details are perfect. Having built her career on Zirtual, when the company closed, she built a freelance business within days. Learn more about Rene’s story below!

How and why did you get into freelancing?

I was working as a Virtual Assistant for Zirtual when the company disintegrated overnight, and had to act fast. I made a website, contract, and pricing setup within just a few days and was off to the races.

What’s been your proudest personal moment so far?

My proudest personal moment so far was being told how cool it was that I had started a successful freelancing business at 25 years old. I blushed and immediately told my husband how cool I was. He said he already knew that.

How do you stay motivated and productive when flying solo?

I make sure to have a good schedule and to love my job. I always get up at the same time, and have an order of operations for what tasks and emails to get out of the way first thing in the morning. I also know that if I hate working with a client, I’m not going to want to get my day started. My dog is also a huge help in keeping me on track and making sure I take small breaks throughout the day. She keeps me motivated while I keep me productive.

What’s the hardest part about being an indie worker?

I think the hardest part is worrying about money. Because there are no guarantees, I can get very worked up worrying if rent and bills can be paid on time. Most of the time it isn’t an issue, but when it is, everything gets a little bit harder.

What advice do you have for others taking the leap?

Trust yourself. If you are good at your job and can make a good impression you are off to a great start. Make sure to get your name out there in positive ways and show that you are a real person with a great personality.

Where can we find you?

You can connect with me through my CloudPeeps profile!

If you’d like to share your Freedom Creator story, submit your responses for review here. 👊



Freedom Creators

CloudPeeps empowers freelancers and businesses to do to their best work. Enjoy freedom to work the way you want, wherever you are. ☕️