Steal Good Investment Ideas and Make Them Your Own

Freedom Finance
Published in
4 min readJul 5, 2024


“Good artists copy, great artists steal.” — Pablo Picasso

Copying the strategies of successful investors may seem like a tempting idea. After all, if it works for them, why shouldn’t it work for you?

This strategy is called copycat investing, and it involves copying the investment ideas of famous investors or investment managers. It is also known as follower investing, because it involves following those who are likely to have far greater investment skills.

However, I am not suggesting that you copy the positions of the big traders. Try to understand what they might be thinking when they take those positions. For example, take a look at how I interpreted Michael Burry’s moves in 13f files.

What you really need to do is extract ideas from their moves that you can apply. The 13f files are the first source to look at.

What are 13F Forms and why are they important?



Freedom Finance

I like to write about what I read and what I watch. But mostly, my Financial Freedom.