Should I Invest in Crypto? Pros and Cons

Freedom Finance
Published in
4 min readAug 2, 2024

Cryptocurrency is all the rage these days, but is it really worth your money?

The world of crypto may be the reason for traders to take blood pressure pills, with huge rises and terrible falls, but when it comes to investing, I think it is a different story.

First, let’s examine the pros and cons of this digital gold rush.

The Pros

  1. Sky-High Potential Returns: The lucky early adopters who bought bitcoin when it was just a few dollars are now chilling on their private islands (or sorting through their trash because they forgot the password). Cryptocurrencies have shown the potential for astronomical returns, turning small investments into life-changing fortunes. Of course, not every coin will be a winner, but that possibility is part of the charm.
  2. Decentralization and Security: Cryptocurrencies operate on decentralized networks, meaning that no single entity controls them. This is a big deal because it reduces the risk of manipulation and fraud. The blockchain technology that underpins most cryptocurrencies ensures that transactions are secure, transparent, and nearly impossible to alter. To me, this is a huge leap in the evolution of technology. By the way, f*ck the banks!
  3. Diversification: Adding crypto to your investment portfolio can spice things up. Traditional assets like stocks and bonds are cool, but cryptocurrencies offer a different kind of risk-reward profile. By diversifying, you can spread your risk and potentially increase your overall returns. You know the stories…
  4. Easy Access and Liquidity: You don’t need a fancy broker or a lot of money to get started in crypto. All you need is an Internet connection and a digital wallet. This accessibility makes crypto a democratic investment option. Plus, the market is open 24/7, so you can trade whenever you feel like it (or not). Crypto is also highly liquid, which means you can buy or sell it quickly and without too much hassle.

The Cons

  1. Wild Volatility: Crypto markets are notoriously volatile. Your investment can double one day and halve the next, trust me, I know (no, I’m not crying). If you can’t handle the yo-yoing of the value of your investment, crypto may not be for you. Volatility can lead to big gains, but it can also lead to painful losses.
  2. Regulatory Grey Area: Governments around the world are still trying to figure out how to deal with cryptocurrencies. This regulatory uncertainty can affect your investments. One day your favorite crypto could be flying high, the next day it could be banned or heavily regulated. Because governments and centralized institutions hate things they can’t control. Again, f*ck the banks!
  3. Security Threats: While blockchain is secure, the crypto world is not completely risk-free. Hacks, scams, and phishing attacks are all too common. If you’re not careful, you can lose your digital assets in an instant. Remember that freedom from control and restriction also means the absence of external security services.
  4. No Intrinsic Value: Unlike stocks, which represent ownership in a company, or real estate, which is tangible property, cryptocurrencies have no intrinsic value. Their value depends almost entirely on what people are willing to pay for them. This speculative nature means that prices can be driven by hype and FOMO (fear of missing out), leading to bubbles and busts.

What Should You Do?

Investing in cryptocurrencies is a double-edged sword. The potential for high returns and the benefits of decentralization, diversification and accessibility makes it an attractive option. However, volatility, regulatory uncertainty, security risks and lack of intrinsic value are serious drawbacks that need to be considered.

However, in my opinion, blockchain technology and the idea of decentralization are the key to the future. Therefore, investing in the future is a wise choice instead of trading cryptos for quick profits.

So, find blockchain/crypto projects that have a solid infrastructure, a vision of the future, new solutions and the right philosophy, and invest in them for the long term. This is neither a difficult nor a very risky way, in fact it is the ideal way.

Finding and investing in these projects is also easier than you think.

For example, if you buy DOGE right now, you won’t make anything. Yes, there’s a chance that it might go south, but in the end there’s nothing behind it and it’s just an empty joke. On the other hand, AVAX has done infrastructure deals with big banks like JPMorgan and Citibank. I think you should give it some thought.

P.S. Don’t worry. I’ll keep you informed about the projects I invest in that I think have a clear future.



Freedom Finance

I like to write about what I read and what I watch. But mostly, my Financial Freedom.