One Size Doesn’t Fit All

Learn from others, but strut on your own path

Rasheed Hooda
Freedom Lifestyle


Photo by Rasheed Hooda

I came to Medium as a reader. I liked the quality of what I was reading, so I became a paid member when needed. When I learned that Medium pays the writers who publish on the platform, I jumped at the opportunity.

I have been trying to earn a living online from my writing for more than a decade without much avail. The main reason is that I am not very good at marketing myself and my work. Medium has a built-in readership. I was sold.

Success is the progressive realization of a personal and worthwhile goal. ~ Paul J Meyer

As always, I jumped right in with both feet. That’s who I am. Getting started has never been a problem. Staying the course or finishing it is a different story.

I learned quickly; Medium may have a built-in audience; I still need to find my own tribe of readers. At least, I was in the right ballpark this time.

I took in everything I could on how to be a successful Medium writer. I almost lost my bearings again, but I have learned a thing or two in the past decade.

I realized that I often got off track because I gave too much credence to the people I was learning from. I gave too much attention to…



Rasheed Hooda
Freedom Lifestyle

Self-proclaimed weirdo. Jack of Many Trades, Master of Some. Author, Speaker, Photographer. He walked on Route 66 Chicago to L.A.