The Covid Wars

Numb & Number
Freedom Of Thought
Published in
12 min readJul 6, 2020
Life, Death, Taxes and the Air We Breathe

Chapter 1. L. K. Sum-King of the World.

COVID 19 A rambler’s introduction to the future.

The year 4891 ce. King Lonnie K Sum sat cutting a line of J&J baby talc, the silver mirror tray resting firmly glued onto a Sozeb head. J & J baby talc was quickly and quietly withdrawn around the time of CV19, it had been accidentally discovered that it was a palliative, as none of the kids were really affected. The Frankenbergs being Frankenbergs had the entire world supply seized and stockpiled.

Sozebs to fill you in were descendants of Am Kaj, a mutated race thought to have been the result of cloning of the eponymous Ffej. He had tried in vain to escape MBBS’s orthopedic surgery unit and he knew the word was out to de-bone him after he had refused his invitation to a camel dung facial which he had exposed in the WAPO as a meet for the Frankenbergs-a secretive group of 12 members that really ran the world. Why should he Ffeg Sozeb, the world’s richest man kow tow to this jumped up small business? There was no way he was going to let them seize his baubles. The Frankenberg philosophy was to accumulate wealth and power no matter where or how they came by it. Their motto; WHAM BAMN. The latest money spinners had been on the health and food fronts with promises of expensive high margin vaccines and extremely profitable Frankenfoods. The vaccines allowed for mind control by insertion of a nanochip, those that resisted or were missed, were fed addictive Frankenfoods and Frankenmilk. For the Chinese, Frankenoodles, for the Latinos Frankentacos, for the Indians, Frankencurry, not forgetting the Africans, Frankenyams. Oh, of course Frankenburgers for everyone else or as extras. The master plan was obvious feed the masses avoid revolt. Keep the Frankenbergs on top, the true world leaders.

Who were the secretive Frankenberg 12 group? This was deliberately embedded in mystery but your guess is as good as anybody else’s. Shall we say that all roads lead to Rome and if names could be named you would be right. The cabal had by Pavlovian conditioning, waving filthy lucre got the masses right where they wanted them. Where they wanted them was to keep consuming in return for Fiat knowing that Hitler had failed with VW. They weren’t going to fail now; lessons had been heeded. Dr Mengele had been the creator of the of the Frankenberg gene. Insertion was only allowed once a potential member had given over their wad and only then by discretion of the 11. Membership was limited to 12. How members were lost or ejected will be revealed in subsequent chapters. At this stage all one needs to know is that Morgan, Rothschild, Blackrock, Ovadiah and Simonetti were represented by scions of their respective families.

The Frankenbergs had had enough of Sozeb. He had threatened to expose them in his organ, The WAPO. He was getting too big for his boots, there was no way a jumped-up grocer and trinket seller was going to outwit and outwad them. They were going to deal with him using a patsy.

Suckerborg (being a servant himself) had tipped off the Frankenbergs He had shared Sozeb’s Wazzup? messages with the Frankenbergs. Suckerborg was the darling of the Frankenbergs, giving over information that would give them ultimate world control, not answerable to anyone. Not even Governments. One of the snippets had been that MBBS, was desperate to become a member so that he could share in the lucre. Suckerborg shared this almost as fast as the speed of light.

The Frankenbergs had their patsy lined up, it was none other than MBBS and they were going to relieve him of his wad and not admit him. It was the Frankenberg sense of humour after all. They probably had it in mind that they were going to make a droid out of him like Suckerborg to keep the wells oiled.

MBBS was to be initiated as a member of the club and his entrance fee to the club was the Wad of Sozeb. The Frankenbergs were onto a winner as there was no way Sozeb could escape as he had made the mistake of giving his Wazzup? number to MBBS in the hope of a yacht sale. Like Harrods, Amazing prided itself in selling everything from the 1 cent staple to the billion-dollar cruiser. Besides who could miss out on the biggest commission ever earned. Sozeb wanted to go down in history.

The Sozeb desperate to escape, had himself cloned with about 1000 self-replicating copies. Unfortunately, as a result of embargoes there was only enough material to create a clone 2ft 6 inches high. What Ffeg Sozeb didn’t realize was that he was already drugged, tied up and on his way to being reduced to that size as a punishment. Besides being just the right size to fit into diplomatic baggage by the skilled surgeons who operated without anaesthetics. What material they had left was flushed down the aircraft toilet, somewhere over Mar- a- Lago. The diplomatic bag was dumped on a baggage carousel at Palm Springs airport.

No one came to claim it, curious baggage handlers turned over the bag for clues and one side was clearly labelled Property of D Trump. There were strange gurgled noises emanating which sounded suspiciously like… gettameoutathefuck…… The baggage guys got the bag to Mr. Trump quick , so quick in fact that it could have been dispatched by Amazing itself. One Mr. Donald Trump Jnr opened the bag and out hopped Sozeb Ffej with a note in hand. The note read,

“Mr. Trump sir, your esteemed presidency”,

“The caddy I promised you, in case of malfunction or non-compliance please fix with a couple of whacks to the head using a 6 iron”.

“May your camels be humped”



The bit about the camels was an old saying and not meant to be gratuitous. After all, MBBS was about to be a big shot Frankenberg and could crack as many jokes as he liked at anybodies expense.

Meanwhile in Baba Ali ( region on the Chinese , Khazak border) a genetically modified Uighur was tied onto a chair. The CCCP goons had been injecting a virus directly into the part of his brain to extirpate his allegiance to Moallah. Moallah the rebel leader had escaped their clutches by transputation, a somewhat miraculous process where a concept suddenly vaporizes into almost infinite fundamental particles and disappears into the ether. The strange quarks or is it the muons, I can’t remember which. For the sake of the story it doesn’t matter. Let’s just accept it. Nobody understands the mystery, seek out sapiens at random and coalesce as strange particle attractors.

“Moallah no more, Panchen and Lama no more. We pick leader for you” said Vlad

“We put him in Beijing for you so you no worry for leader”

Vlad was a maverick capital collector, not the sort of guy you’d like to go to dinner with as he never carried any money. A habit he had acquired from European Royalty, expecting somebody else to pay. Vlad had by now made enough to retire to the Caribbean to go swimming naked with the sharks. The sharks were fleeing in droves. Not even Mike Tyson had achieved as much notoriety with the gorillas as Vlad had with the sharks, when he was restrained from stepping into the big ape enclosure when one of them looked at him funny.

Perhaps just as well the zookeeper did not take the bribe to let Iron Mike find out what was getting the gorilla’s goat about him. Mike went on to chill out and got a job as Lonnie’s green man. His farm motto, “Weed fit for a King” by appointment to King K. Sum.

This had all happened after 1984 as predicted by Orwell. It was lucky Lonnie Musk had been in the room when they sent the rats down the tubes to eat Smiths eyes out. Smith had known the future, a modern-day Nostradamus if you will. He was far too dangerous, why not kill him now while the sperm counts were still viable? The counts were by now able to be carried out on the fingers of the male hand.

Before the rats got to Smith and before he squealed and spilled the beans like a baby, Lonnie was asked to leave the room. The nitrous oxide was turned on and all that could be heard was the uncontrollable laughter. Smith died happy with his eyes gnawed out. By that time, he had told them all he knew. His share of the knowledge was now in the guardianship of the Frankenbergs. They knew that they had to get Lonnie and fast.

Transputation is no coincidence you are chosen, just as Lonnie left the compound with the strains of the laughing policeman playing over the world entertainment system. A dose of gas was coming as the music was getting louder.

Anyway, back to the story, as I said transputation chose Lonnie. Transputation is not a random chaotic act, it’s a strange attractor knows intelligence and today Lonnie was our chosen man.

The very same second Lonnie could feel a warmth and the trademark Cheshire Cat Grin was born. The cat got the nip, quickly he donned his mask, mandatory mask at that. All men were required to wear this, it was a mask that let in oxygen and nitrous oxide as by now the secret was out that unprecedented carbon dioxide levels were playing with reproduction not that it was needed anymore. The interweb had seen to that. It kept guys hooked, women when they had been around were ignored and when they were gone, their presence not missed.

The AmeriKKKans to counteract the new world order desperately produced, Drongos the new mutation created by some US Bio warfare lab. These were unleashed on the world in a last ditch attempt to rewrite history which they thought mistakenly had ended. The Drongos had been created to try and counteract the Am Jas and Nitupvlads created by the finest in Putingrad and XiJin respectively. The Drongo wars will be covered in due course. The Drongos were the only response to the new world order by the AmeriKKKans withdrawing into their shell. Leaving behind a toxic slime, no longer wanting to engage in the world. How could they? The Frankenbergs had destroyed their soul.

The mask Lonnie quickly donned, bore a remarkable resemblance to the mask of Anonymous made a cult status by the ne’er do wells and white hats of the new millennials of m2 (2nd Millennium ce). The mask although it looked the same was attached to a filter that went into your mouth through which you could only breathe in due to the one way valve. The nose was with exhaling tubes that went into your nostrils forming a tight plug once inserted and when you exhaled via the nose a valve made sure what went out stayed out. The whole mask was sealed on with fake skin to keep out the genetically engineered pathogens deliberately released to assert a world king. The Frankenbergs thought they could do it, their time had come, especially since they held the antidote or were immunized before release.

There had always been an ironic huMAN muttering heard as wheels were cranked, one day some bastard will invent something to charge you for the very air you breathe. The Frankenbergs had a sense of humour - a type of be careful what you wish for. This trait had been passed on directly by Edison, a servant when he denied Tesla his 50K dollar prize and started the Frankenberg exponential rise in riches. The Frankenbergs were big on servants in return for lucre the subservient were allowed to live.

Now was the exact moment that the Frankenbergs became ascendant, they had the power , the electrickery and they were going to charge, in a different outcome if electricity had been free for all, the planet could have been saved. Instead the fight for energy was encouraged to maximise profits. Life was cheap and becoming cheaper still.

This was another of Lonnie’s patents when he was a Frankenberg servant, he had actually managed to monetize the very air breathed in by huMANs and gave the rights to the Frankenbergs in return for being left alone. Lonnie knew his destiny and it was not on this earth.

This unnatural arrangement had been punishment meted out by the Forgons. When the laughing gas was turned on, they laughed at us trying to laugh while biting down on the mouth filter trying hard to breathe in whilst the laughing policeman was belted out full dB. This was recorded and presented as evidence of how happy Forgon presence was to other life forms that could assemble a few neuronal processing networks together.

The Forgons were seen as great to have as huMAN overseers they liked to keep their charges in good spirits. Livestream was arranged for the females of the huMAN species who had been rescued by the Forgons to show them how happy their menfolk were without them. The Forgons had some traits like conscience you know as far as I am aware. They had by now perfected parthenogenesis, just in time because the sperm counts fell to zero and by the time of COVID 20 men had become redundant.

Happiness made for great workers and huMANs were expected to work for 40 years winding the dynamo wheels to generate electricity for the planet. This was vitally necessary as their ancestors had ignored stark warnings about the biosphere. Their mindless acquisitive activity collecting sheets of paper marked with strange signs like £&$ , they also liked to hoard shiny metals and hard translucent finely cut rocks. In short, the Frankenbergs adulterated the Forgon Paradise they had entrusted to smart apes.

The Forgons were none too pleased and were sending a galactic wave to blow the mutant scum off into space. The Forgons had learned an expensive lesson never trust a Frankenberg. The Forgons had sought custodians for their paradise. It was now a race against time to save Earth before the Frankenbergs had it all for themselves. Or what was left of it. There is nothing more hated by the Forgons than a burnt out, waste planet, an abomination to the cosmos, to creation itself. Everyone can consume and destroy. Very few can create and keep.

Lonnie had indeed hit lucky the transputers knew they had the right man when he sold the Oz a battery. The Oz were a strange lot, a mutation had deleted their brains and now they were in the hands of the 5 eyes willing to be sold anything for whatever price. If anyone could pull one over on the Frankenbergs it was Lonnie. The Forgons had chosen their man with care.

They knew that he was the man to take on Setag Gllib servant of the Frankenbergs. No easy task as the huMANs were completely in awe, it was a simple, we sell you, food, health and indoctrination. huMans would do anything for the Frankenbergs. The Frankenbergs needed all that they could muster in the coming battle against the Forgons.

They Frankenbergs had a droid Kram Suckerborg keeping the wheels oiled. Suckerborg was the eyes and ears as well as a front man for Setag who was planning to takeover earth and declare himself King. His cunning plan was to chip everyone so that he could exercise control over the planet. He was a suspected to be a Frankenberg. A rumour he would neither confirm or deny because he had always wanted to be one. The Frankenbergs were always silent about the whole leadership thing because to them it didn’t matter to them, because they were in charge. They could always use a fall guy King of the World. There was nothing better for sapiens psychology as a common enemy. This really got their rudimentary warlike traits going, independent of any thought process other than to destroy and win. This had been actively selected for by the Frankenbergs as a first line of defence.

The forces were being assembled, droid Sozeb Ffejs, Am Kajs, Suckerborg Krams, Nitupvlads and Setags Gllib were the only visible remnants of a once glorious paradise that the Forgons had entrusted to an ape called Homo Sapiens Sapiens. Each droid army had overrun a continent and there they waited, entrapped by their own circuitry not wanting to cross water in case they shorted themselves or rust their coatings. The rain was acid, the sea was acid. The Drongos were everywhere dropped by AmeriKKKan drones and actively hunted by all.

Who was going to rule the world? The Setag Gllibs had overrun Africa and there was not a black man or indeed any animal or living thing in sight. The Suckerborgs had overrun AmeriKKKa, again no black man or living thing in sight. The story was repeated the world over, the Anthropocene had become the Mengelocene. The blacks and coloureds had become redundant. Used to fuel the genetic washing required for droid production. Once that ran out, they started on whatever else possessed a genome.

Which of the droid masters, the original genome of each having achieved immortality and resided in one of the multitudes? They were smart, these servants of the Frankenbergs.

It was coming, the minute you stepped outside, you could detect the unease, the increase in tension the palpitation of the very ground beneath your feet.

What Lonnie hadn’t catered for were the Transputers of the Forgons. Were they going to let him, the smartest entity this side of Orion, meld with them?

….. TO BE CONTINUED>>>>>> Covid 20.

COVID 20 — The race to be the World’s Richest of All Time, (WRAT).

COVID 21-How Lonnie K Sum became immortal King and the destruction of the Drongos.

COVID 22- The Droid Masters achieve immortality

COVID 23- The last human fell

COVID 24- Frankenberg rich how the 11 become 12

COVID 25- The arrival of the Forgons

COVID 26- The departure of the Forgons

COVID 27- Subduction and seeding

COVID 28- The seeds grow, end of Covid.

