‘There ain’t half been some clever bastards’

Numb & Number
Freedom Of Thought
Published in
4 min readJul 20, 2020
Children’s hands chopped off as punishment for their parents not meeting targets-Belgian Congo. (Getty Images)

“And from which side of the family do you Mr. Darwin, claim descent from the Apes?”

“There ain’t half been some clever bastards.”

And none of them fixed the world yet. Not because they did not know how, but they were terminated and those that can will meet the same fate. Yes, let’s talk about the many elephants in the room. A pink one, a white, a red and green, one in each corner. The colour is not important. We have reached a point of no return. The fix is money.

“The privilege of creating and issuing money is not only the prerogative of Government. It is the Government’s greatest creative opportunity. By the adoption of these principles, the long-felt want for a uniform medium will be satisfied. The taxpayers will save immense sums of interest, discounts and exchanges. The financing of all public enterprises. The maintenance of stable government and ordered progress. The conduct of the Treasury will become matters of practical administration. The people can be furnished with a currency as safe as their own government. Money will stop to be the master and become the servant of humanity. Democracy will rise superior to the money power.” Abraham Lincoln

Guess what, Lincoln ended up with a bullet in the head.

We all know what the hell is wrong with us. It is the lack of a coherent plan deliberately obfuscated by a subspecies that has been hiding in our midst. Yes, hiding in plain sight, Homo Sapiens Insaniens. I will attempt to explain who these Insaniens are and their habitat.

A species is defined as being capable of genetic exchange to produce fertile offspring. This can be demonstrated when you consider dogs. There are Labradors, bulldogs, chihuahuas, mastiffs and so on, hundreds of different breeds. Same genes but different expressions of morphology.

For dog, read human there are endless varieties. Categorized into races, tribes, nations, linguistic varieties. A Homo Sapiens Sapiens (HSS) are differentiated by all the above. Either as a sole attribute or a combination of some or all of the other descriptors. This is a simplistic view of the number and variation of HSS. We haven’t even thought about mongrels yet.

Trying to label ourselves is a subjective decision often based on prejudice. The black bastards, the white trash, the yellow bellies, the yids, the Polacks, Canucks etc.

We do not need to go into detail about the characteristics and traits of the HSS. They are the vast majority of us. Right-thinking well-balanced individuals and families.

The Insaniens are found in 3 habitats. The Federal Reserve and National Banks, together with the IMF (the triconomists). The heads of global behemoths and would be global behemoths (the tricoons). Finally, the political classes (the tricons). The prefix tri- is apt as they will try anything to fight their way to the top and remain in control. Insaniens and Sapiens do interbreed. Producing offspring that are characterized as tax lawyers, tax accountants and political lobbyists. I am sure that the reader can bring examples to mind of the best in breed.

There is a complex symbiotic relationship between the 3 habitats. The tricon world often thinking that they control or claim control of the other 2. They are as we all know, themselves told what to do by the triconomists who in turn follow the orders of the tricoons. The game of musical chairs played out is different, no chair is removed. None of these Insaniens are losers.

We are the losers. The Insaniens have never allowed us the luxury of a Government that actually cares about us. Sensible governments build up society to deal with future problems. They invest in healthcare, advance Science and Technology. They look at infra-structure, think ahead and anticipate, not serve their rich friends.

To this end a plea for planet friendly actions is vital. Governments must provide free electricity, free healthcare and free education. It would be a good start.

Or is the same old, same old, “ The meek shall inherit the earth”, if anybody lets them. The Insaniens will kill themselves and us.

When a chimp dies in a sanctuary, the body is often carted away in a wheelbarrow. The living chimps all sit silent in a line and watch the scene with great solemnity. Are we watching the greatest show on earth, the death of us at the hands of the Insaniens? Even Sapiens are dispensable and disposable, life has never been cheaper.

To paraphrase an expression from the Vietnam War, “ In order to save the World, we need to destroy the World” is the Insanien culture.

The solution is so simple and obvious. Join the dots. Think beyond money. Societal reset is coming:-

