To Kill a Person

Numb & Number
Freedom Of Thought
Published in
4 min readAug 4, 2020
AI’s got your number and location, small person, big data. (image

To kill a person is murder

To kill a few people is mass murder

To kill thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions is a world class leader.

To kill humanity is Artificial Intelligence.

To kill the earth is global capitalism.

The race to the bottom has never been quicker and we have entered a recession like no other. If you are doing it cheaper, someone somewhere is cheaper still. If you search hard enough, it’s being given away free. Humans no longer matter, soon we will be doing away with them, the battle for supremacy is over. Capitalism has won, it is now staring us in the face for the planet killer that it is. It is no more than a cabal fixated on the next megabuck. Only money matters . Now you do not need to produce anything. Why bother when your funds can make more money than actually doing something like getting your hands dirty and making or growing something to sell. The men with money fix it so they win and never lose in the casino of our lives. If they get a scare and start losing , you and I are left to pay the tab.

You and I are left to busk on the internetry to scrape a dollar or two. Meanwhile feeding the smart money financiers of Artificial Intelligence (AI) which learns from our very keystroke, respiration rate and pulse. Sometimes they throw in diversions like missions to Mars costing megabucks. How about spending a few cents per child to alleviate child poverty instead? ‘Melon Husk’ could use some extra publicity now he’s done space sex.

You’ve got the idea, we don’t matter and never have. Stop your delusion.

The human population is forecast to decrease significantly by the end of this century as a result of decrease in fertility rates, that is if pandemics, world war, poverty, climate change or cometary strike doesn’t get us first. What has always been missed out is the new enemy within; AI.

The google monster has finally got us yahoos where it wants us, infomaimed. The year 2020 is the year that googleAI (googleye) started reading minds and presenting to us what information it thinks you want to see or that it wants you to see, quick off the draw. Dare to mention anything or read anything then like an enraged swarm you get hit with the full visual on your desired object of interest. The rudimentary making of an AI demagogue is being trained for maximum efficiency.

Soon AI will be god. We are training our nemesis to hypnotise us and take our eye off the ball. Machine learning efficiency Is outpacing Moore’s Law , whereas actual hardware is now showing showing a slowdown in progress with physical limits being reached in the near future. Machine learning is showing an increased rate in gain, outpacing Moore’s Law. At present, there seems to be no peak in sight in what can be achieved. AI has already beaten us at chess and Go and anything else you may care to mention. Soon it will be beating us for our lives. ‘Amazingbusiness and man management techniques come to mind.

Professor James Lovelock, the progenitor of the Gaia Hypothesis, has just celebrated his 101st birthday. He proposes that the earth is a self regulating system, to put it into a crude nutshell, nature takes care of surpluses and shortages in living things on our planet. Even viruses are a consequence of evolution for such a well informed man , with almost 2 lifetimes of experience. “ If you go on building up the population, its almost inevitable that something is going to say, jeez, there’s a lot of stuff to eat there. Let’s go get it.” He has also posited that AI is a “new evolving form of life?”

What if this is our evolutionary goal? Kiss yourself goodbye because its goodnight when AI switches off your devices.

Cholera, typhoid, tuberculosis etc the old diseases, controlling human populations as result of living in close proximity to each other in unhygienic conditions have now been superseded by viral plagues feeding off numbers. The pathogens have always been with us just waiting to control our proliferation.

Now AI lurks in the darkness, is it the real virus?

“ I just think we should stop burning fossil fuel…it’s a crazy daft and very dangerous thing to do. But we continue to do it, because there is so much money invested in it”. How very prescient and how very applicable to AI. We continue to do it….

The AI coming our way is even beyond Professor Lovelock’s postulations we have reached a point of no return. The Global Capitalist Elite are fully committed to cut costs. No guesses for how to improve profits, cut labour, increase productivity per worker. Move to a cheaper supply of labour, eventually do away with labour so your only cost is equipment and so it moves on. As a facilitator for increased profits, there is an increasing reliance on machine production, machine trading, machine financing. There is enough money to feed AI or us and not both.

You don’t need any fancy qualifications to tell you that humans are making themselves redundant. Spend a few dollars on trying to find intelligent life here on earth, if we succeed. Only then can we move on. We refuse to believe in people more intelligent than us and instead leave it to the dumb leaders to lead us to a dystopian hallucination. We are the guardians of the world and we are about to cross the Rubicon.

Humanity needs to kick start a new realisation with the presumption that we are on the road to extinction.

