Free Iran 2023: The World Rallies to Support the Iranian People’s Struggle for a Democratic Republic

Masoud Dalvand
Freedom Star
Published in
7 min readJul 19, 2023

Former world leaders, politicians, lawmakers, and activists rallied in France on Saturday, July 1, 2023, to express their solidarity with the Iranian people in their struggle to overthrow the mullahs’ regime and establish a secular, democratic republic of Iran. The Free Iran 2023 World Summit was held while at the same time, freedom-loving Iranians and the supporters of the Iranian Resistance rallied at Place Vauban in Paris to echo the voice of the Iranian people.

The summit featured speeches from the participants, who reflected on the ongoing protests in Iran, the decades-long struggle of the Iranian Resistance movement, and the right policy toward the mullahs’ regime. They all reiterated their determination to support the Iranian people in their aspirations to topple the tyrannical rule of the mullahs.

In her keynote speech, Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), said, “Appeasement towards the mullahs’ regime may lead to more bloodshed among our people and our resistance, it may lengthen the list of executions, and it may fill more prisons. Yet, it will be futile in protecting Khamenei from his inevitable downfall.”

Mrs. Rajavi stressed that like the shah regime, the mullahs’ dictatorship will eventually be toppled by the people of Iran.

She also emphasized that as the regime becomes weaker in face of protests and the resistance, it will try to coerce the U.S. and Europe to “intervene, obstruct the transformation in Iran, suppress the leaders of the popular uprising, and limit their fundamental rights of freedom of expression, assembly, and political engagement under the pretense of security or national sovereignty.”

Mrs. Rajavi reiterated that the Iranian people and their resistance movement will eventually defeat the regime. “We will resist with resolute determination, persevering in the battle until the shackles are broken, until the path unveils itself, and until the walls come tumbling down,” she said.

One of the recurring themes in the speeches was the failure of the long-standing policy of appeasement toward the mullahs’ regime.

Mike Pence, the 48th Vice President of the United States, said, “Appeasement never works and it never will. A nuclear deal won’t lead to peace and stability. It will lead to more terrorism, more death, and destruction.”

Pence also stressed that while the regime grows weaker it continues to repeat the lie that there is no alternative to the mullahs’ rule. “But there is an alternative, a well-organized, fully prepared, perfectly qualified, popularly supported alternative called the MEK,” he said. “The 10-point plan for the future of Iran will ensure freedom of expression, freedom of assembly, and the freedom of every Iranian to choose their elected leaders.”

Mike Pompeo, the 70th US Secretary of State, also criticized the policy of appeasement toward Iran’s regime, and called for a more firm policy. “If we believe in the cause of freedom, if we think it still matters from Ukraine to Iran, then we cannot condone the lifting of sanctions on the Iranian regime,” he said. “We must instead call on our leaders to support the brave Iranians who stand in opposition to their despotic government.”

Former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper expressed his admiration for the relentless protests of the Iranian people, while also acknowledging that it is rooted in a deep history of resistance and a desire to be free from any form of dictatorship.

“These protests are looking forward, not back. They want an end to the theocratic dictatorship of Khamenei and Raisi, but they are not calling in any way for the restoration of the monarchical dictatorship of the Shah,” he said.

Former British Prime Minister and Leader of the Conservative Party Elizabeth Truss highlighted the role women have played in the struggle for freedom.

“We must back the brave women of Iran. It’s hugely inspiring to see women under threat of their lives, their futures, and freedom, prepared to demonstrate against the appalling regime and the human rights abuses they’re subject to, and we must back them in that fight and do what we can to support,” she said.

Ambassador John Bolton, the Former US National Security Advisor and Ambassador to the United Nations, warned that any kind of nuclear deal with the regime will have severe consequences for world peace and security.

“The worst consequence of any kind of deal interim rejoining the 2015 deal, whatever would be, would be the inevitable unfreezing of billions of dollars of assets,” he said. “All of that money would flow directly to the mullahs in Tehran. They wouldn’t use it for the benefit of the Iranian people. They will use it for more terrorist activity around the world. They will use it to continue developing their nuclear and ballistic missile programs.”

Ambassador Bolton also highlighted the role of the Iranian Resistance in undermining the mullahs’ tyranny.

“For all the people in the West and outside who say the MEK and the NCRI are so irrelevant, and they’re not popular inside Iran, and they don’t really matter: If they’re so irrelevant, why is the government in Tehran absolutely consumed with the need to suppress the MEK and NCRI and not allow their voices to be heard?” he said. “This gives the greatest proof of the influence of all the people who are involved in the work that we’re here today to talk about.”

Former Prime Minister of the Republic of Slovenia Janez Janša was very clear in what he thinks is the solution for Iran: “The Ten-Point Plan of Mrs. Rajavi deserves our support. I will remain committed and engaged on this pressing issue. You can count on my support.”

Lawmakers from different countries also expressed their support for the Iranian people and their resistance movement.

“We believe in a free Iran. We believe in the 10-point,” said Lance Gooden, Member of the US House of Representatives. “The MEK is very important and is the leader of the resistance and it’s because of this obsession that Tehran has with them that gives them so much credibility. It’s obvious that you’re doing something right.”

German politician Peter Altmaier described the Ten-Point Plan as “a universal declaration of the basic values of individual freedom and democracy.”

“My suggestion for my own country and all Europeans and all of you is to rally around the Ten-Point Plan and convince governments to back it. Let’s start concrete preparation for the change in Iran,” he said.

John Bercow, the former Speaker of the UK House of Commons, criticized the West’s insistence of appeasing the regime and disregarding the alternative by believing and repeating the regime’s propaganda that there is no alternative. “There is, of course, an alternative. There is an alternative of over 40 years of preparation that is well organized, that is soundly structured, that is adequately resourced, that is conceptually coherent, and led with indefatigability, indestructibility, and inexhaustibility by Madam Rajavi,” he said.

Gen. James Jones, the first national security adviser for President Barack Obama, the 14th Supreme Allied Commander Europe, said that turning a blind eye on the regime’s human rights abuses and aggressive behavior will legitimize its oppressive rule and escalate threats to global peace and security.

“It is time to recalibrate this approach, prioritizing support for the Iranian people on their quest for freedom and democracy. Now is not the time to make more concessions to a regime that has proven to be unworthy of any form of trust,” he said.

Michèle Alliot-Marie, Former French Minister of Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Interior, called for more concrete measures toward Iran. “Your country is a symbol of what we can do and what we must do in terms of freedom. Your compatriots have the courage to protest. And Mahsa Amini is a tragic symbol that makes us sad but also gives us responsibility. We have the responsibility to not suffice to words and say there are some things that must be done. We must take action,” she said.

David Jones, member of the UK House of Commons, stressed how recent events have shown who the real alternative to the regime is. “The obsessive, unwavering focus of the regime on the PMOI simply serves to highlight the PMOI’s effectiveness in countering the regime’s authority and exposing its vulnerabilities,” he said. “The uprising has also exposed the hollowness of false political alternatives, particularly those related to the remnants of the Shah’s regime propaganda. Attempts to present those groups as leader of leaders of the uprising have proven unsuccessful. And the Iranian people, having endured years of oppression, imprisonment, and political executions under the Shah will not return to such a dictatorship.”

Joseph Lieberman, Former Member of the U.S. Senate and U.S. Vice-Presidential Nominee in 2000, highlighted the importance of the NCRI’s platform for a transition to democracy in Iran. “We have talked a lot today, as we should always, about the 10-Point Plan of Mrs. Rajavi. It’s a great plan, a plan for freedom, equality, and opportunity for the people of Iran. It’s one that every civilized democratic nation in the world should enthusiastically support. But the NCRI and Mrs. Rajavi have something else. They have a transition plan. It is out there for everybody to see, and it is a selfless plan that shows that this organization is not about seizing power. It is about making sure that the people of Iran seize power when this regime falls,” he said.

Gen. Wesley Clark, The 12th Supreme Allied Commander Europe and U.S. Presidential Candidate in 2004, expressed his admiration for the Iranian Resistance’s persistence in its struggle. “As someone who’s spent his life in leadership, teaching it, learning, and practicing it. It’s incredible what you’re doing and what you will accomplish in the future, the 10-point plan, and the strength of this organization. Only an organization such as yours can survive and win this struggle. It’s not for the weak-hearted. But only an organization such as yours should prevail. Because you’ve got the right values, the right approach, and the right plans.”

Originally published at on July 19, 2023.



Masoud Dalvand
Freedom Star

Human rights activist and advocate of democracy, freedom, and justice in Iran.