Global Conference Regarding the Conviction of Iran’s Diplomat-Terrorist by Belgium Court

Masoud Dalvand
Freedom Star
Published in
3 min readFeb 18, 2021

On Thursday, February 4, 2021, the Belgian Court of Antwerp announced its ruling on Assadollah Assadi, the terrorist-diplomat of the clerical regime, along with three of the regime’s Ministry of Intelligence agents following two and a half years of investigations into the failed terrorist plot to bomb the Free Iran Grand Gathering that was taking place in the Parisian suburb of Villepinte in June 2018.

The president-elect of the National Council of Resistance of Iran ( NCRI), Maryam Rajavi spoke out at a virtual global conference as the Court proceeded with the sentencing of the four Iranian agents, in which she was connected with the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran ( PMOI/ME K) members, private plaintiffs of the court case, international dignitaries, and supporters of the Iranian Resistance who were waiting outside of the court in Belgium.

Referring to the court proceedings, she stated: “The conviction of the regime’s diplomat and his three intelligence agents in a Belgian court is indeed the conviction of the clerical regime in its entirety.”

The sentencing will see Assadi spend 20 years in prison, with his three accomplices sentenced to 18, 17 and 15 years behind bars. The trio who were hired by Assadi will also have their Belgian nationalities annulled.

During the trial, the diplomat’s lawyer was quoted saying, “My client feels that it is not himself but his government that is on trial.”

Maryam Rajavi said: “The head of Belgium’s State Security Service said that the intelligence officials had determined the planned bombing was a state-sanctioned operation, approved in Tehran.”

She agreed that it was not a rogue faction at work, but the entire regime engaged in such hostile crimes against humanity, noting that “the mullahs advance their foreign policy on the basis of terrorism and they advance terrorism under the cover of foreign policy”.

The Court of Antwerp and the investigations it had ran on the case were said to have revealed a several tricks and schemes, both political and intelligence, that the regime have used.

Maryam Rajavi spoke of reports of the regime’s diplomat crisscrossing 11 European countries in order to hand out money to the operatives, spies, and informants that the regime had hired.

She desperately urged Western governments to change their approaches and policies to prevent the regime from deceiving and taking advantage of their contacts in Europe to protect their own terrorists.

“Shut down the regime’s embassies…which are hubs for terrorism. Hold the regime’s Foreign Minister accountable. Designate the entire Ministry of Intelligence and the IRGC as terrorist entities. Prosecute the regime’s leaders…they must face justice,” were some of the suggestions that Maryam Rajavi made.

The victory in the Court of Belgium is just one of the Iranian Resistance’s victories in more than 20 other courts in Europe and the United States and the struggle is likely to continue until all the leaders of the clerical regime face justice.

Maryam Rajavi ended her speech at the conference cheering, “Hail to Iran’s courageous youths and to the brave members of Resistance units. Long Live Freedom, hail to the people of Iran.”

Originally published at on February 18, 2021.



Masoud Dalvand
Freedom Star

Human rights activist and advocate of democracy, freedom, and justice in Iran.