Inside Iran’s Army of Terror and Oppression: Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) — Part 2

Masoud Dalvand
Freedom Star
Published in
2 min readJan 13, 2021

HomeIRGC Inside Iran’s Army of Terror and Oppression: Revolutionary Guards (IRGC) — Part 2

An in-depth look at the IRGC’s financial empire

Our previous piece about the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) portrayed an overall picture of Iran’s army of terror and repression. The first part of this series exposed the IRGC’s organization, how it functions, and its role in preserving the mullahs’ regime’s grip on power. In fact, the IRGC is the main force of the regime, which both oppresses people inside Iran and exports chaos and terrorism abroad. But the question is how this entity is funded?

The previous part showed partially how the IRGC has monopolized Iran’s economy. In this piece, we intend to show how the world’s largest terrorist organization is funded. The following information is from “The Rise of the Revolutionary Guards’ Financial Empire,” a book published by the National Council of Resistance of Iran ( NCRI) United States Representative Office.

Our last piece revealed the names of 14 powerhouses that are under the supervision of the IRGC and Ali Khamenei, the regime’s supreme leader. These 14 powerhouses oversee the looting of Iran’s economy and fund the IRGC’s activities and its subsidiaries, such as the terrorist Quds Force and Basij militia.

These 14 powerhouses are:

The 14 powerhouses and large economic institutions that control Iran’s economy are as follows:

  1. The Headquarters for Executing the Order of the Imam (Setad)
  2. The Mostazafan (Oppressed) Foundation
  3. Astan-e Qods-e Razavi
  4. Shahid (Martyr) Foundation
  5. Emdad (Aid) Committee
  6. The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Cooperative Foundation
  7. The Khatam al-Anbiya Construction Headquarters
  8. The Cooperative Foundation of the Bassij Force
  9. The Ghadir Investment Company
  10. The Armed Forces Social Welfare Investment Organization (SATA)
  11. Khatam al-Osia Construction Headquarters
  12. The Cooperative Foundation of the State Security Forces (NAJA)
  13. The Cooperative Foundation of the Army (BTAJA)
  14. The Cooperative Foundation of the Armed Forces Joint Chiefs of Staff (VDJA)

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Masoud Dalvand
Freedom Star

Human rights activist and advocate of democracy, freedom, and justice in Iran.