Iran: Protests Expand to 156 Cities in All 31 Provinces — September 28, 2022

Masoud Dalvand
Freedom Star
Published in
3 min readSep 30, 2022
September 28, 2022: Protesters in at least 162 cities across all of Iran’s 31 provinces have taken to the streets seeking to overthrow the mullahs’ regime. Over 240 have been killed by regime security forces and at least 12,000 arrested.

September 28, 2022: Protests continued throughout Iran on Wednesday, September 28, into the 13th day of the people’s latest uprising against the mullahs’ regime. To this day, demonstrations and protests have been registered in more than 156 cities across all of Iran’s 31 provinces.

At least 240 protesters have been killed and more than 12,000 others have been arrested following the regime’s intense crackdown measures and opening fire on demonstrators, according to reports from sources associated to the Iranian opposition People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK).

On Wednesday morning, the students of Shiraz University of Medical Sciences held protest rallies, calling for the ouster of mullahs from power. “Mullahs must get lost!” the students chanted as they rallied at the campus. They also expressed their determination to continue their struggle for freedom, chanting, “We will fight and take back Iran!” a slogan that has become very popular among the Iranian population in face of the regime’s repression.
On Wednesday, the students of Isfahan University also held protest rallies, calling for the release of detained students. They also reiterated their commitment to continue their protest rallies. “College students rather die than live in shame!” the students chanted.

Students have been very active in the recent protests. Following the arrest of a large number of college students across the country, starting Monday, many university professors and students throughout Iran began launching strikes by refusing to attend their classes until all of the arrested college students are released.

The Universities witnessing such protests movements were Tehran, Tarbiat Modares, Amir Kabir (Polytechnic), Sharif Industrial, Arts in Isfahan, Kharazmi, Khajeh Nasir Toosi, Bu-Ali Sina in Hamedan, Allameh Tabataba’i, Iran University of Science and Technology, Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Science and Culture, Yazd, Gilan, Qazvin, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Islamic Azad University Science and Research Branch, Al-Zahra, Semnan, Isfahan University of Technology, Chamran in Ahvaz, Mohaghegh Ardabili, Azad in Najafabad, and the Shandiz Institute of Higher Education in Mashhad.

On Wednesday night, protests began in several cities. In Mashhad, protesters were chanting, “Death to Khamenei!” and calling on other people to join them in their protests against the regime.

In Tehran’s Chitgar district, protesters were chanting “Death to the dictator!” and “Death to the Basijis!” referring to members of the regime’s IRGC paramilitary Basij Force. In recent nights, protesters have been constantly regrouping and holding protest rallies in different parts of the capital. Even when security forces prevent the people from holding rallies, they continue to chant anti-regime slogans from rooftops.

Despite the regime’s brutal repression of protests in Tehran, protests continue. On Wednesday, protesters made a daring attempt and torched a Bassij base at Imam Hossein Square. The Bassij is the main force used in the repression of popular protests and is much hated among the population.

Protests continued in several districts of Tehran on Wednesday. Videos show protesters chanting anti-regime slogans in several districts, including Farhangian and Zaferaniyeh.



Masoud Dalvand
Freedom Star

Human rights activist and advocate of democracy, freedom, and justice in Iran.