Iran Protests Round Up-Day 18 — October 3, 2022

Masoud Dalvand
Freedom Star
Published in
2 min readOct 5, 2022

October 3, 2022: The Iranian people resumed their anti-regime uprisings on Monday, October 3, following a day of intense protests and heavy crackdown on Sunday, October 2.

Monday, October 3, 2022, marked the 18th consecutive day of protest rallies that have expanded to 170 cities and all 31 provinces across the country. According to reports gathered by the People’s Mojahedin Organization of Iran (PMOI/MEK), the regime has so far killed 400 civilians and arrested 20,000 others.

On Monday, students resumed their protests in several cities, including Tehran, Isfahan, Zanjan, Semnan, Urmia, Qom, Mashhad, and Birjand.

On Sunday, various cities of Iran saw college students protesting in solidarity with the ongoing nationwide uprising against the mullahs’ regime. The main site of these protests was Tehran’s Sharif University of Technology, where students were protesting during the day and regime security forces surrounded the campus by nightfall.

This campus was surrounded by the regime’s security forces to prevent the students from joining the street protests spreading in various parts of the capital. Security forces shot pellet rounds into the crowds of Sharif University students who were attempting to leave the campus grounds. Many were also arrested and transferred to Evin Prison, according to reports. The students, however, stood their ground and showed brave resistance despite the regime’s heavy crackdown measures. But despite the crackdown, students resumed their protests across Iran on Monday.

On Monday, schoolchildren in several Iranian cities also joined the protests. In Shiraz, the students of a primary school were chanting, “Mullahs get lost!” Schoolgirls were chanting, “Death to the dictator!”

At the same time, business owners in several cities went on strike to protest the regime’s brutal crackdown on protests.

In Tehran, people gathered in Punak district and resumed their anti-regime rallies despite strict security measures.

Originally published at on October 5, 2022.



Masoud Dalvand
Freedom Star

Human rights activist and advocate of democracy, freedom, and justice in Iran.